Yiliang Bi, Min Min, Wei Shen, Pei Deng, Qiupeng Du, Mingjie Dong, Yan Liu
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High sensitivity C-reaction protein (hsCRP) has been used as a significant predictive factor of cardiovascular events in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). However, existing reports in regards to the significance of hsCRP in predicting the progression of hepatic complications in NIDDM patients are too sparse to deliver clear results. This study is aimed at investigating the prognostic value of hsCRP in NIDDM patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)...
2015: International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology
A O'Riordan, V Wong, R McQuillan, P A McCormick, J E Hegarty, A J Watson
Acute renal failure (ARF) can complicate up to 60% of orthotopic liver transplants (OLT). The RIFLE criteria were developed to provide a consensus definition for acute renal disease in critically ill patients. Using the RIFLE criteria, we aimed to determine the incidence and risk factors for ARF and acute renal injury (ARI), and to evaluate the link with the outcomes, patient survival and length of hospital stay. Three hundred patients, who received 359 OLTs, were retrospectively analyzed. ARI and ARF occurred post 11...
January 2007: American Journal of Transplantation
Vi Nguyen, Jacob George
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) encompasses a spectrum of abnormalities that can range from bland liver fat (steatosis), to hepatic inflammation and liver injury (steatohepatitis). It is estimated that NAFLD will become the principal cause of liver disease in Western nations and the leading indication for liver transplantation. Advancements in disease recognition and management are therefore paramount. Although the development of new, reliable drug therapies is vital, lifestyle interventions remain the most effective treatment modality...
August 2015: Seminars in Liver Disease
Laurent Castera
Key issues in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are the differentiation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) from simple steatosis and staging of liver fibrosis, as patients with NASH/advanced fibrosis are at greatest risk of developing complications of end-stage liver disease. The controlled attenuation parameter is the most promising noninvasive technique for detecting and quantifying hepatic steatosis, but needs to be implemented with the XL probe and compared with ultrasound that, despite its limitations, remains the most widely used method...
August 2015: Seminars in Liver Disease
Ester Vanni, Andrea Marengo, Lavinia Mezzabotta, Elisabetta Bugianesi
The top three leading causes of death in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in descending order are cardiovascular disease, cancer, and liver disease. It is clear now that the increased risk of metabolic and macro- and microvascular complications in NAFLD stems from the associated features of metabolic syndrome. However, NAFLD itself may contribute to the spectrum of risk factors associated with insulin resistance. The primary focus of this review is to summarize the main systemic associations of NAFLD, as well as to discuss the mechanisms that link them to NAFLD...
August 2015: Seminars in Liver Disease
Naim Alkhouri, Tavankit Singh, Eyad Alsabbagh, John Guirguis, Tarek Chami, Ibrahim Hanouneh, David Grove, Rocio Lopez, Raed Dweik
OBJECTIVES: Analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the exhaled breath can identify markers for alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the utility of breath VOCs measured by mass spectrometry to diagnose advanced fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD). METHODS: Patients undergoing liver biopsy were recruited. Fibrosis was determined by an experienced pathologist (F0-4) and advanced fibrosis was defined as F3-4...
September 17, 2015: Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology
Benjamin M Stutchfield, Daniel J Antoine, Alison C Mackinnon, Deborah J Gow, Calum C Bain, Catherine A Hawley, Michael J Hughes, Benjamin Francis, Davina Wojtacha, Tak Y Man, James W Dear, Luke R Devey, Alan M Mowat, Jeffrey W Pollard, B Kevin Park, Stephen J Jenkins, Kenneth J Simpson, David A Hume, Stephen J Wigmore, Stuart J Forbes
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Liver regeneration requires functional liver macrophages, which provide an immune barrier that is compromised after liver injury. The numbers of liver macrophages are controlled by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF1). We examined the prognostic significance of the serum level of CSF1 in patients with acute liver injury and studied its effects in mice. METHODS: We measured levels of CSF1 in serum samples collected from 55 patients who underwent partial hepatectomy at the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh between December 2012 and October 2013, as well as from 78 patients with acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure admitted to the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh or the University of Kansas Medical Centre...
December 2015: Gastroenterology
David E St-Jules, Corilee A Watters
Nonacoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common complication of pediatric obesity in which diet is a major factor in causation and the cornerstone of treatment. In this review, the alterations in hepatic lipid metabolism that contribute to pediatric NAFLD, and impact of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, and fats on hepatic fat metabolism and NAFLD are described. Lastly, dietary recommendations for achieving changes in macronutrient intakes that can be beneficial in the treatment of NAFLD are provided.
2015: Drug Metabolism Letters
Daniele Santetti, Maria Inês de Albuquerque Wilasco, Cristina Toscani Leal Dornelles, Isabel Cristina Ribas Werlang, Fernanda Urruth Fontella, Carlos Oscar Kieling, Jorge Luiz Dos Santos, Sandra Maria Gonçalves Vieira, Helena Ayako Sueno Goldani
AIM: To evaluate the nutritional status and its association with proinflammatory cytokines in children with chronic liver disease. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study with 43 children and adolescents, aged 0 to 17 years, diagnosed with chronic liver disease. All patients regularly attended the Pediatric Hepatology Unit and were under nutritional follow up. The exclusion criteria were fever from any etiology at the time of enrollment, inborn errors of the metabolism and any chronic illness...
August 7, 2015: World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG
Raymond S Koff
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 25, 2015: Gastroenterology
Hany Khattab, Ahmed Fouad, Maya Hamza, Mohammad A Mohey, Wafaa El-Akel, Hossam Ghoneim, Amr Abul-Fotouh, Gamal Esmat
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Worldwide, Egypt has a high prevalence of adult hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity is most commonly measured to assess hepatic disease. The revision of the definition of the normal limits for the ALT level is advisable. The aim of this work was to compare the histopathological changes in the liver tissue biopsies of HCV-infected patients, clinically presenting with ALT levels below normal, based on the conventional, previously used upper limit of normal (ULN) of ALT (40U/L for men and 30U/L for women) with the proposed new ULN (30U/L for men, and 19U/L for women)...
June 2015: Arab Journal of Gastroenterology: the Official Publication of the Pan-Arab Association of Gastroenterology
Kemal Deniz, Serdal Özcan, Ömer Özbakır, Tahir Ercan Patıroğlu
The authors document regression of cirrhosis in an obese 56-year-old man after significant weight loss by sequential liver biopsies. The patient had a known history of steatohepatitis. His initial laboratory workup 6 years earlier revealed elevated liver enzyme activities and blood triglyceride levels, and negative viral hepatitis serology screen. A liver biopsy at that time showed histological features consistent with precirrhotic stage of active steatohepatitis. A liver biopsy performed 4 years later revealed progression of the disease to cirrhosis...
May 2015: Seminars in Liver Disease
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