Collections Concussion therapy

Concussion therapy

Concussion therapy
Ashley L Santo, Melissa L Race, Elizabeth F Teel
CONTEXT: Convergence dysfunction following concussion is common. Near point of convergence (NPC) is a quick and easy assessment that may detect oculomotor dysfunction such as convergence insufficiency (CI), but NPC measurements are rarely reported. Convergence dysfunction is treatable in otherwise healthy patients; the effectiveness of oculomotor therapy following concussion is unclear. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this article was to systematically review the literature and answer the following clinical questions: (1) Is performance on NPC negatively affected in patients diagnosed with a concussion compared with pre-injury levels or healthy controls? (2) In patients diagnosed with concussion, what is the effect of oculomotor/vision therapy on NPC break measurements? EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The search was conducted in CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE, and PubMed using terms related to concussion, mild traumatic brain injury, convergence, vision, and rehabilitation...
March 4, 2020: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Noah D Silverberg, Mary Alexis Iaccarino, William J Panenka, Grant L Iverson, Karen L McCulloch, Kristen Dams-O'Connor, Nick Reed, Michael McCrea
At least 3 million Americans sustain a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) each year, and 1 in 5 have symptoms that persist beyond 1 month. Standards of mTBI care have evolved rapidly, with numerous expert consensus statements and clinical practice guidelines published in the last 5 years. This Special Communication synthesizes recent expert consensus statements and evidenced-based clinical practice guidelines for civilians, athletes, military, and pediatric populations for clinicians practicing outside of specialty mTBI clinics, including primary care providers...
February 2020: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Neil Heron, Jonathan Elliott, Nigel Jones, Mike Loosemore, Simon Kemp
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2020: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Ryan D Henke, Savana M Kettner, Stephanie M Jensen, Augustus C K Greife, Christopher J Durall
Clinical Scenario: Low-intensity aerobic exercise (LIAEX) below the threshold of symptom exacerbation has been shown to be superior to rest for resolving prolonged (>4 wk) symptoms following sport-related concussion (SRC), but the effects of LIAEX earlier than 4 weeks after SRC need to be elucidated. Focused Clinical Question: Does LIAEX within the first 4 weeks following SRC hasten symptom resolution? Summary of Key Findings: Two randomized controlled trials (RCT) and 1 nonrandomized trial involving adolescent athletes (10-19 y) were included...
October 18, 2019: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Nicholas Hattrup, Hannah Gray, Mark Krumholtz, Tamara C Valovich McLeod
Clinical Scenario: Recent systematic reviews have shown that extended rest may not be beneficial to patients following concussion. Furthermore, recent evidence has shown that patient with postconcussion syndrome benefit from an active rehabilitation program. There is currently a gap between the ability to draw conclusions to the use of aerobic exercise during the early stages of recovery along with the safety of these programs. Clinical Question: Following a concussion, does early controlled aerobic exercise, compared with either usual care or delayed exercise, improve recovery as defined by symptom duration and severity? Summary of Key Findings: After a thorough literature search, 5 studies relevant to the clinical question were selected...
March 1, 2020: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
Carol DeMatteo, Sarah Randall, Katie Falla, Chia-Yu Lin, Lucy Giglia, Michael F Mazurek, Eric Koelink
Return to activity (RTA) and return to school (RTS) are important issues in pediatric concussion management. This study aims to update CanChild's 2015 RTA and RTS protocols, on the basis of empirical data and feedback collected from our recently completed prospective cohort study, focusing on concussed children and their caregivers; systematic review of evidence published since 2015; and consultation with concussion management experts. The new protocols highlight differences from the earlier versions, mainly, (1) symptom strata to allow quicker progression for those who recover most quickly; (2) a shortened rest period (24-48 hours) accompanied by symptom-guided activity; (3) the recommendation that children progress through the stages before they are symptom free, if symptoms have decreased and do not worsen with activity; (4) specific activity suggestions at each stage of the RTA protocol; (5) recommendations for the amount of time to spend per stage; and (6) integration of RTS and RTA...
January 2020: Clinical Pediatrics
Kathryn J Schneider, Carolyn A Emery, Amanda Black, Keith O Yeates, Chantel T Debert, Victor Lun, Willem H Meeuwisse
The risk factors of concussion may be categorized as intrinsic (internal factors specific to the individual) or extrinsic (external factors related to the environment or sport). Identifying these factors is part of an individualized, patient-centered approach to prevention, assessment, and management of concussion. In most cases, the symptoms of concussion resolve in the initial few days following the injury, and a strategy involving a gradual return to sport and school is recommended. When symptoms persist for longer than 7 to 10 days, a multifaceted interdisciplinary assessment to guide treatment is recommended...
November 2019: Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Justin Stumph, Julie Young, Bhavna Singichetti, Honggang Yi, Amy Valasek, Eric Bowman, James MacDonald, Jingzhen Yang, Anastasia Fischer
We examined the effect of a noncontact, subsymptom exacerbation early exercise recommendation on recovery from sports-related concussion. Retrospective analysis of adolescents, 10-17 years old, with symptomatic concussion, within 30 days of injury was performed. Time to recovery was measured between the early exercise group and a comparison group. A total of 187 patients studied-112 in the exercise group and 75 in the comparison group; 55% were male (n = 103). The exercise group had a significantly longer duration of concussion symptoms (18...
February 2020: Journal of Child Neurology
Daniel King, Angela Collins-Yoder
Concussions affect the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system and glucose metabolism, impair cerebral autoregulation to Paco₂, and produce abnormal variances in myogenic and vagal tone. Because anesthesia also has an impact on these same processes, it is vital to delineate the best practice in the perianesthesia period to minimize additional damage to the concussed brain. There are currently no practice guidelines surrounding perianesthesia management of patients with concussion to guide practice...
April 2019: AANA Journal
Cali C M Callaway, Barry E Kosofsky
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Between 1.6 and 3.6 million concussions, or mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), occur each year, nearly half of which go unreported and untreated. Despite the high incidence, practitioners currently lack both objective gold-standard diagnostic tools and evidence-based treatments to enable optimal care of concussed individuals. RECENT FINDINGS: This article aims to review recent research on the topic, emphasizing the role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in concussion...
December 2019: Current Opinion in Neurology
Sophie Caplain, Gaelle Chenuc, Sophie Blancho, Sébastien Marque, Nozar Aghakhani
Unfavorable outcomes (UO) occur in 15-20% of patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Early identification of patients at risk of UO is crucial for suitable management to be initiated, increasing the chances of full recovery. We previously developed a prognostic tool for early identification (8-21 days after the injury) of patients likely to develop UO. Patients whose initial risk factors indicate UO are at risk of developing post-concussion syndrome (PCS). In the present study, we examined the beneficial effects of early multidimensional management (MM) on prognosis...
2019: Frontiers in Neurology
Håkan Ashina, Frank Porreca, Trent Anderson, Faisal Mohammad Amin, Messoud Ashina, Henrik Winther Schytz, David W Dodick
Post-traumatic headache (PTH) is a highly disabling secondary headache disorder and one of the most common sequelae of mild traumatic brain injury, also known as concussion. Considerable overlap exists between PTH and common primary headache disorders. The most common PTH phenotypes are migraine-like headache and tension-type-like headache. A better understanding of the pathophysiological similarities and differences between primary headache disorders and PTH could uncover unique treatment targets for PTH...
October 2019: Nature Reviews. Neurology
David R Howell, Anna N Brilliant, Jessie R Oldham, Brant Berkstresser, Francis Wang, William P Meehan
OBJECTIVES: Our purpose was to examine the association between exercise after concussion with symptom severity, postural control, and time to symptom-resolution. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort. METHODS: Collegiate athletes (n = 72; age = 20.2 ± 1.3 years; 46% female) with concussion completed a symptom questionnaire at initial (0.6 ± 0.8 days post-injury) and follow-up (2.9 ± 1.4 days post-injury) evaluations, and a postural control assessment at follow-up...
September 7, 2019: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Edward Christopher, Kareem W Alsaffarini, Aimun A Jamjoom
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a growing public health issue with an increasing burden of disease globally. TBI can lead to significant motor, cognitive and emotional deficits. Mobile health (mHealth) is a promising technology to help diagnose and manage patients with TBI. The aim of this study was to systematically examine and classify available TBI mobile applications (apps) and critically appraise the literature underpinning mHealth for the management of TBI. Two major app markets (Apple and Google Play) were systematically searched...
July 10, 2019: Curēus
Aaron M Sinnott, R J Elbin, Michael W Collins, Valerie L Reeves, Cyndi L Holland, Anthony P Kontos
OBJECTIVES: The current study investigated the role of persistent vestibular-ocular symptoms and impairment following sport-related concussion on recovery time and clinical outcomes among adolescents. DESIGN: Prospective cohort. METHODS: 50 (F-22/M-28) adolescents aged 12-20 years completed a vestibular-ocular motor screening, neurocognitive assessment, and the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) at clinical assessments conducted at 0-10 and 11-21 days after concussion...
August 8, 2019: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Josephine Arendt
Last year melatonin was 60 years old, or at least its discovery was 60 years ago. The molecule itself may well be almost as old as life itself. So it is time to take yet another perspective on our understanding of its functions, effects and clinical uses. This is not a formal review-there is already a multitude of systematic reviews, narrative reviews, meta-analyses and even reviews of reviews. In view of the extraordinary variety of effects attributed to melatonin in the last 25 years, it is more of an attempt to sort out some areas where a consensus opinion exists, and where placebo controlled, randomized, clinical trials have confirmed early observations on therapeutic uses...
2019: Frontiers in Endocrinology
Jeffrey A King, Michael A McCrea, Lindsay D Nelson
OBJECTIVES: To determine (1) the frequency of neck pain overall and relative to other symptoms in patients presenting to a level I trauma center emergency department (ED) with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and (2) the predictors of primary neck pain in this population. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Level I trauma center ED. PARTICIPANTS: Patients presenting to the ED with symptoms of mTBI having been exposed to an event that could have caused mTBI (N=95)...
January 2020: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Alexandra M Stillman, Nancy Madigan, Karen Torres, Natasha Swan, Michael P Alexander
Studies of symptoms after concussion have been focused heavily on athletic and military populations; generalizability to "civilians" has not recently been demonstrated. We selected cognitive symptoms as an important target to assess because of impact on school and employment. We evaluated cognitive complaints in a highly symptomatic (Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire [PCSQ], mean [M] = 29.5) civilian sample ( n  = 100; age: M = 41.4; 36 male/64 female; days post-injury: range 14-154, M = 51...
January 15, 2020: Journal of Neurotrauma
Ginger Polich, Mary A Iaccarino, Ted J Kaptchuk, Leon Morales-Quezada, Ross Zafonte
Nocebo effects refer to new or worsening symptoms that develop in response to negative health-related information, beliefs, and/or experiences. In recent years, research on concussion pathophysiology has significantly advanced. Through health campaigns and media coverage, emerging knowledge on the risks of this injury has been quickly disseminated to the public, and nowadays, the public perceives concussions as more hazardous to health than ever before. Although advancements in concussion-related research and care are of great importance and value, we ask in this article whether the increasing negative publicity regarding concussion also carries any latent costs...
January 2020: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Brett B Hart, Lindell K Weaver, Ashutosh Gupta, Steffanie H Wilson, Amarnath Vijayarangan, Kayla Deru, Donald Hebert
BACKGROUND: Some clinical trials report improvement in persistent post-concussive symptoms (PCS) with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), but questions remain regarding the utility of HBO2 for PCS, the effects of HBO2 on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the influences of sham control exposures. METHODS: A systematic review and pooled analysis was conducted to summarize available evidence for HBO2 in mTBI-associated PCS ± PTSD...
2019: Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine: Journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc
2019-08-11 20:45:16
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