Tore A G Tørisen, Julie M Glanville, Andres F Loaiza, Julia Bidonde
BACKGROUND: We conducted a scoping review of the evidence for the use of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) tool in emergency pediatric patients, in hospital and prehospital settings. We focused on the psychometric properties of the PAT, the reported impact, the setting and circumstances for tool implementation in clinical practice, and the evidence on teaching the PAT. METHODS: We followed the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews and registered the review protocol...
September 4, 2024: BMC Emergency Medicine
Scott C Everett, Olga Chamberlain, Sofia Portuondo, Michael Shalaby
INTRODUCTION: Tension headaches, as well as various scalp pathologies including lacerations and abscesses are commonly treated in the emergency department (ED). The occipital nerve block (ONB), previously described in anesthesia and neurology literature, offers analgesia of the posterior scalp on the side ipsilateral to the injection while maintaining a low adverse effect profile. CASE REPORT: We report three cases in which ONB was utilized for tension headache, scalp laceration repair, and incision and drainage of scalp abscess...
June 2024: American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Laura Uccella, Cristiana Riboni, Francesco Polinelli, Carola Biondi, Graziano Uccheddu, Roberta Petrino, Pietro Majno-Hurst
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Frontiers in Neurology
Rosalind Ashton, Anna N Wilkinson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2024: Canadian Family Physician Médecin de Famille Canadien
Marco Mangiafico, Luca Costanzo
Superficial venous thrombosis (SVT), an inflammatory-thrombotic process of a superficial vein, is a relatively common event that may have several different underlying causes. This phenomenon has been generally considered benign, and its prevalence has been historically underestimated; the estimated incidence ranges from about 0.3 to 1.5 event per 1000 person-years, while the prevalence is approximately 3 to 11%, with different reports depending on the population studied. However, such pathology is not free of complications; indeed, it could extend to the deep circulation and embolize to pulmonary circulation...
February 19, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Sarah Ray, Jude Luke, Natalie Kreitzer
INTRODUCTION: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) results in 2.5 million emergency department (ED) visits per year in the US, with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) accounting for 90% of cases. There is considerable evidence that many experience chronic symptoms months to years later. This population is rarely represented in interventional studies. Management of adult mTBI in the ED has remained unchanged, without consensus of therapeutic options. The aim of this review was to synthesize existing literature of patient-centered ED treatments for adults who sustain an mTBI, and to identify practices that may offer promise...
May 2024: American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Samuel G Polinsky, Eric W Edmonds, Tracey P Bastrom, Claire E Manhard, Benton E Heyworth, Donald S Bae, Michael T Busch, Henry B Ellis, Katelyn Hergott, Mininder S Kocher, Ying Li, Jeffrey J Nepple, Nirav K Pandya, Crystal Perkins, Coleen S Sabatini, David D Spence, Samuel C Willimon, Philip L Wilson, Andrew T Pennock
BACKGROUND: Optimal treatment of completely displaced midshaft clavicular fractures in adolescents remains controversial, with some favoring surgical management and others favoring a nonoperative approach. Few studies have comprehensively assessed longer-term nonoperative outcomes. PURPOSE: To prospectively assess patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and radiographic remodeling ≥5 years after injury in teenagers undergoing nonoperative treatment of completely displaced clavicular fractures...
March 2024: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Edward J Weldon, Ryan W Nakamura, Tracy Van, Connor Goo, Anson Y Lee, Julia R Jahansooz, Enrique Carrazana, Kore K Liow
Introduction The recommendations on return to exercise post-traumatic brain injury (TBI) remain debatable. As recent as 10 years ago, the conventional recovery modality for a mild TBI was to reduce neurostimulating activity and encourage rest until the symptoms subsided. However, emerging literature has challenged this notion, stating that returning to exercise early in the course of mild TBI recovery may be beneficial to the recovery timeline. This study surveys Hawaii's diverse population to identify trends in exercise and recovery for TBI patients to shape recommendations on return to exercise...
February 2024: Curēus
Ajith Sivadasan, Miguel A Cortel-LeBlanc, Achelle Cortel-LeBlanc, Hans Katzberg
INTRODUCTION: Acute presentations and emergencies in neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) often challenge clinical acumen. The objective of this review is to refine the reader's approach to history taking, clinical localization and early diagnosis, as well as emergency management of neuromuscular emergencies. METHODS: An extensive literature search was performed to identify relevant studies. We prioritized meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and position statements where possible to inform any recommendations...
February 28, 2024: Academic Emergency Medicine
Timothy Edward Tjan, Lee Yung Wong, Andrew Rixon
BACKGROUND: The emergency department (ED) is a demanding and time-pressured environment where doctors must navigate numerous team interactions. Conflicts between health care professionals frequently arise in these settings. We aim to synthesize the individual-, team-, and systemic-level factors that contribute to conflict between clinicians within the ED and explore strategies and opportunities for future research. METHODS: Online databases PubMed and Web of Science were systematically searched for relevant peer-reviewed journal articles in English with keywords relating to "conflict" and "emergency department," yielding a total of 29 articles...
February 28, 2024: Academic Emergency Medicine
Juan Pablo Zapata-Ospina, Mercedes Jiménez-Benítez, Marco Fierro
INTRODUCTION: Adjustment disorder (AD) is a diagnosis that must be differentiated from major depressive episode (MDE) because of the therapeutic implications. The aim of this study is to understand the experience of patients who in their lifetime have been diagnosed with AD as well as MDE to establish the characteristics of each disorder. METHODS: A descriptive phenomenological approach was used with in-depth interviews to four patients and the method proposed by Colaizzi to understand the experiences and reach the description of both disorders...
2023: Frontiers in Psychiatry
Maxime J Billick, Jordana Sheps, Isaac I Bogoch
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2024: Canadian Family Physician Médecin de Famille Canadien
Cory Tremblay, Kathryn A Albrecht, Christiaan C Sonke, Sanjay Azad
OBJECTIVE: To outline an approach to the assessment and initial management of patients with burns in the rural emergency department setting. Three mnemonics are presented that can be used for both the assessment and the initial management of patients with burns in rural settings. QUALITY OF EVIDENCE: Current and local guidelines compiled by a plastic surgeon were reviewed to develop a systematic approach to the treatment of patients with burns. PubMed and other databases were also searched for current literature on emergency care of patients with burns...
February 2024: Canadian Family Physician Médecin de Famille Canadien
S Mehta, K Gardner, J Hall, D Rosenfield, S Tse, K Ho, K Grant, D J Bradbury-Squires, E Lang, L Chartier
BACKGROUND: Virtual care in Canada rapidly expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic in a low-rules environment in response to pressing needs for ongoing access to care amid public health restrictions. Emergency medicine specialists now face the challenge of advising on which virtual urgent care services ought to remain as part of comprehensive emergency care. Consideration must be given to safe, quality, and appropriate care as well as issues of equitable access, public demand, and sustainability (financial and otherwise)...
February 9, 2024: CJEM
William R Mower, Thomas E Akie, Naseem Morizadeh, Malkeet Gupta, Gregory W Hendey, Jake L Wilson, Lorenzo Pierre Leonid Duvergne, Phillip Ma, Pravin Krishna, Robert M Rodriguez
BACKGROUND: Changes with aging make older patients vulnerable to blunt head trauma and alter the potential for injury and the injury patterns seen among this expanding cohort. High-quality care requires a clear understanding of the factors associated with blunt head injuries in the elderly. Our objective was to develop a detailed assessment of the injury mechanisms, presentations, injury patterns, and outcomes among older blunt head trauma patients. METHODS: We conducted a planned secondary analysis of patients aged 65 or greater who were enrolled in the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) Head Computed Tomography validation study...
May 2024: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Jana Dib El Jalbout, Heba Sati, Perla Ghalloub, Grace El Bejjani, Rim Karam, Arpit Mago, Marita Salame, Lara Saoudi, Antonio Baez Desangles, Nancy Emmanuel
Morgellons disease is characterized by the persistent delusion of skin infestation, ultimately inflicting wounds and impairing quality of life. There is insufficient and conflicting research pertaining to this condition, imposing challenges on clinicians in understanding, diagnosing, and treating it. In this review, we summarize the available literature on Morgellons disease including its historical evolution, epidemiology, proposed pathophysiology, underlying structural and functional brain pathologies, typical and atypical clinical presentations, diagnosis, and treatment...
February 6, 2024: Neurological Sciences
Kerstin de Wit, Anna Tran, Natasha Clayton, Darshana Seeburruth, Rodrick K Lim, Patrick M Archambault, Teresa M Chan, Louise C F Rang, Sara Gray, Kerri Ritchie, Caroline Gérin-Lajoie, Mathew Mercuri
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Since Canada eased pandemic restrictions, emergency departments have experienced record levels of patient attendance, wait times, bed blocking, and crowding. The aim of this study was to report Canadian emergency physician burnout rates compared with the same physicians in 2020 and to describe how emergency medicine work has affected emergency physician well-being. METHODS: This longitudinal study on Canadian emergency physician wellness enrolled participants in April 2020...
June 2024: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Sofia Mermelstein, Pedro Barbosa, Diego Kaski
Gait disorders are a common feature of neurological disease. The gait examination is an essential part of the neurological clinical assessment, providing valuable clues to a myriad of causes. Understanding how to examine gait is not only essential for neurological diagnosis but also for treatment and prognosis. Here, we review aspects of the clinical history and examination of neurological gait to help guide gait disorder assessment. We focus particularly on how to differentiate between common gait abnormalities and highlight the characteristic features of the more prevalent neurological gait patterns such as ataxia, waddling, steppage, spastic gait, Parkinson's disease and functional gait disorders...
January 23, 2024: Practical Neurology
Lynne Moore, Anis Ben Abdeljelil, Pier-Alexandre Tardif, Roger Zemek, Nick Reed, Keith Owen Yeates, Carolyn A Emery, Isabelle J Gagnon, Natalie Yanchar, Mélanie Bérubé, Jennifer Dawson, Simon Berthelot, Antonia Stang, Suzanne Beno, Emilie Beaulieu, Alexis F Turgeon, Melanie Labrosse, François Lauzier, Ian Pike, Alison Macpherson, Gabrielle C Freire
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Our primary objectives were to identify clinical practice guideline recommendations for children with acute mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) presenting to an emergency department (ED), appraise their overall quality, and synthesize the quality of evidence and the strength of included recommendations. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Central, Web of Science, and medical association websites from January 2012 to May 2023 for clinical practice guidelines with at least 1 recommendation targeting pediatric mTBI populations presenting to the ED within 48 hours of injury for any diagnostic or therapeutic intervention in the acute phase of care (ED and inhospital)...
April 2024: Annals of Emergency Medicine
José A Joglar, Mina K Chung, Anastasia L Armbruster, Emelia J Benjamin, Janice Y Chyou, Edmond M Cronin, Anita Deswal, Lee L Eckhardt, Zachary D Goldberger, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Bulent Gorenek, Paul L Hess, Mark Hlatky, Gail Hogan, Chinwe Ibeh, Julia H Indik, Kazuhiko Kido, Fred Kusumoto, Mark S Link, Kathleen T Linta, Gregory M Marcus, Patrick M McCarthy, Nimesh Patel, Kristen K Patton, Marco V Perez, Jonathan P Piccini, Andrea M Russo, Prashanthan Sanders, Megan M Streur, Kevin L Thomas, Sabrina Times, James E Tisdale, Anne Marie Valente, David R Van Wagoner
AIM: The "2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation" provides recommendations to guide clinicians in the treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted from May 12, 2022, to November 3, 2022, encompassing studies, reviews, and other evidence conducted on human subjects that were published in English from PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and other selected databases relevant to this guideline...
November 30, 2023: Circulation
2023-12-22 13:47:32
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