Juan C Suarez, Erin E Ely, Amar B Mutnal, Nathania M Figueroa, Alison K Klika, Preetesh D Patel, Wael K Barsoum
Groin pain is often related to hip pathology. As a result, groin pain is a clinical complaint encountered by orthopaedic surgeons. Approximately one in four persons will develop symptomatic hip arthritis before age 85 years. Groin injuries account for approximately 1 in 20 athletic injuries, and groin pain accounts for 1 in 10 patient visits to sports medicine centers. Many athletes with chronic groin pain have multiple coexisting pathologies spanning several disciplines. In treating these patients, the orthopaedic surgeon must consider both musculoskeletal groin disorders and nonorthopaedic conditions that can present as groin pain...
September 2013: Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Hal David Martin, Ian James Palmer
The history and physical examination of the hip is the key component for evaluation of patients presenting with hip pain. As our understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of the normal hip vs the pathologic hip advances, the physical examination progresses as well. As with the shoulder and knee examinations, there are critical steps that form the basis of the examination of the hip joint. This hip examination contains 21 steps, which compares well with the shoulder 20 step exam and the knee 33 step exam...
September 2013: Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine
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