Varun U Shetty, Parul Chaudhuri, Camille Sabella
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2019: Pediatrics in Review
Marlies Bruckner, Gianluca Lista, Ola D Saugstad, Georg M Schmölzer
Approximately 800,000 newborns die annually due to birth asphyxia. The resuscitation of asphyxiated term newly born infants often occurs unexpected and is challenging for healthcare providers as it demands experience and knowledge in neonatal resuscitation. Current neonatal resuscitation guidelines often focus on resuscitation of extremely and/or very preterm infants; however, the recommendations for asphyxiated term newborn infants differ in some aspects to those for preterm infants (i.e., respiratory support, supplemental oxygen, and temperature management)...
2021: Neonatology
Suchitra Ranjit, Rajeswari Natraj, Niranjan Kissoon, Ravi R Thiagarajan, Balasubramaniam Ramakrishnan, M Ignacio Monge García
OBJECTIVES: Fluid boluses are commonly administered to improve the cardiac output and tissue oxygen delivery in pediatric septic shock. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of an early fluid bolus administered to children with septic shock on the cardiac index and mean arterial pressure, as well as on the hemodynamic response and its relationship with outcome. DESIGN, SETTING, PATIENTS, AND INTERVENTIONS: We prospectively collected hemodynamic data from children with septic shock presenting to the emergency department or the PICU who received a fluid bolus (10 mL/kg of Ringers Lactate over 30 min)...
August 1, 2021: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Jane Timmons-Mitchell, Daniel J Flannery
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2020: Pediatrics in Review
Akash Deep, Mehak Bansal, Zaccaria Ricci
Children seem to be less severely affected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) as compared to adults. Little is known about the prevalence and pathogenesis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children affected by SARS-CoV-2. Dehydration seems to be the most common trigger factor, and meticulous attention to fluid status is imperative. The principles of initiation, prescription, and complications related to renal replacement therapy are the same for coronavirus disease (COVID) patients as for non-COVID patients...
2021: Blood Purification
Francesco Licciardi, Giulia Pruccoli, Marco Denina, Emilia Parodi, Manuela Taglietto, Sergio Rosati, Davide Montin
We describe 2 children with persistent fever and profuse diarrhea who developed signs of mucocutaneous involvement (conjunctivitis, fissured lips, skin rash, erythema, and edema of the hands and feet). Blood tests revealed elevated markers of inflammation, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, and complement consumption. Afterward, diffuse edema with hypoalbuminemia appeared in the context of a capillary leak syndrome. In both patients, repeated nasal swabs were negative for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), but each patient had high titers of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M against the SARS-CoV-2 virus...
August 2020: Pediatrics
Nisha S Mehta, Oliver T Mytton, Edward W S Mullins, Tom A Fowler, Catherine L Falconer, Orla B Murphy, Claudia Langenberg, Wikum J P Jayatunga, Danielle H Eddy, Jonathan S Nguyen-Van-Tam
BACKGROUND: Few pediatric cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported and we know little about the epidemiology in children, although more is known about other coronaviruses. We aimed to understand the infection rate, clinical presentation, clinical outcomes, and transmission dynamics for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), in order to inform clinical and public health measures. METHODS: We undertook a rapid systematic review and narrative synthesis of all literature relating to SARS-CoV-2 in pediatric populations...
December 3, 2020: Clinical Infectious Diseases
Ana Paula de Carvalho Panzeri Carlotti, Werther Brunow de Carvalho, Cíntia Johnston, Isadora Souza Rodriguez, Artur Figueiredo Delgado
This review aims to verify the main epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory-related, and therapeutic aspects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in critically ill pediatric patients. An extensive review of the medical literature on COVID-19 was performed, mainly focusing on the critical care of pediatric patients, considering expert opinions and recent reports related to this new disease. Experts from a large Brazilian public university analyzed all recently published material to produce a report aiming to standardize the care of critically ill children and adolescents...
2020: Clinics
Colin M Parker, Matthew N Cooper
OBJECTIVES: The use of either prednisolone or low-dose dexamethasone in the treatment of childhood croup lacks a rigorous evidence base despite widespread use. In this study, we compare dexamethasone at 0.6 mg/kg with both low-dose dexamethasone at 0.15 mg/kg and prednisolone at 1 mg/kg. METHODS: Prospective, double-blind, noninferiority randomized controlled trial based in 1 tertiary pediatric emergency department and 1 urban district emergency department in Perth, Western Australia...
September 2019: Pediatrics
Ann-Marie Brown, Elaine Fisher, Michael L Forbes
BACKGROUND: Malnutrition increases the risk of mortality and morbidity in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Barriers to adequate delivery of enteral nutrition (EN) include hemodynamic instability, feeding interruptions and intolerance, and lack of standardized feeding protocols. The most recent guidelines on nutrition support for the critically ill child describe a paucity of evidence around the best method to deliver EN. There is an untested clinical assumption that bolus gastric feeding (B-GF) in intubated patients is associated with aspiration events, lung injury, and associated morbidity compared with continuous gastric feeding (C-GF)...
August 2019: JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Neil N Finer, Waldemar A Carlo, Michele C Walsh, Wade Rich, Marie G Gantz, Abbot R Laptook, Bradley A Yoder, Roger G Faix, Abhik Das, W Kenneth Poole, Edward F Donovan, Nancy S Newman, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Ivan D Frantz, Susie Buchter, Pablo J Sánchez, Kathleen A Kennedy, Nirupama Laroia, Brenda B Poindexter, C Michael Cotten, Krisa P Van Meurs, Shahnaz Duara, Vivek Narendran, Beena G Sood, T Michael O'Shea, Edward F Bell, Vineet Bhandari, Kristi L Watterberg, Rosemary D Higgins
BACKGROUND: There are limited data to inform the choice between early treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and early surfactant treatment as the initial support for extremely-low-birth-weight infants. METHODS: We performed a randomized, multicenter trial, with a 2-by-2 factorial design, involving infants who were born between 24 weeks 0 days and 27 weeks 6 days of gestation. Infants were randomly assigned to intubation and surfactant treatment (within 1 hour after birth) or to CPAP treatment initiated in the delivery room, with subsequent use of a protocol-driven limited ventilation strategy...
May 27, 2010: New England Journal of Medicine
Leonard G Feld, Daniel R Neuspiel, Byron A Foster, Michael G Leu, Matthew D Garber, Kelly Austin, Rajit K Basu, Edward E Conway, James J Fehr, Clare Hawkins, Ron L Kaplan, Echo V Rowe, Muhammad Waseem, Michael L Moritz
Maintenance intravenous fluids (IVFs) are used to provide critical supportive care for children who are acutely ill. IVFs are required if sufficient fluids cannot be provided by using enteral administration for reasons such as gastrointestinal illness, respiratory compromise, neurologic impairment, a perioperative state, or being moribund from an acute or chronic illness. Despite the common use of maintenance IVFs, there is high variability in fluid prescribing practices and a lack of guidelines for fluid composition administration and electrolyte monitoring...
December 2018: Pediatrics
Fernando Beltramo, Joseph DiCarlo, Joshua B Gruber, Thom Taylor, Balagangadhar R Totapally
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to describe the relative frequency of use of continuous renal replacement therapy, intermittent hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis and to analyze characteristics and outcomes of critically ill children receiving renal replacement therapies admitted to PICUs that participate in the Virtual PICU (VPS LLC, Los Angeles, CA) registry. DESIGN: Retrospective, database analysis. SETTING: PICUs that participate in the Virtual PICU (VPS LLC) registry...
January 2019: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Izabela Szczygielska, Elżbieta Hernik, Beata Kołodziejczyk, Agnieszka Gazda, Maria Maślińska, Piotr Gietka
Rheumatic fever (RF) is an autoimmune disease associated with group A β-hemolytic streptococcal infection, in the course of which the patient develops carditis, arthritis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum. Rheumatic fever diagnosis is based on the Jones criteria, developed in 1944, then revised twice by the American Heart Association (AHA), in 1992 and recently in 2015. The last revision of the Jones criteria consists mainly in the supplementation of the major criteria with echocardiographic examination, the introduction of a concept of subclinical carditis and the isolation of low, medium and high risk populations among the patients...
2018: Reumatologia
Elizabeth T Emrath, James D Fortenberry, Curtis Travers, Courtney E McCracken, Kiran B Hebbar
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate outcomes in patients receiving balanced fluids for resuscitation in pediatric severe sepsis. DESIGN: Observational cohort review of prospectively collected data from a large administrative database. SETTING: PICUs from 43 children's hospitals. PATIENTS: PICU patients diagnosed with severe sepsis. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We reviewed data from the Pediatric Health Information System database from 2004 to 2012...
July 2017: Critical Care Medicine
M Cunliffe, L McArthur, F Dooley
Children who undergo a prolonged stay within the intensive care unit require adequate sedation and analgesia. During the recovery phase there will need to be a period of sedation withdrawal to prevent occurrence of an abstinence syndrome. We present a strategy developed within our hospital for managing this process which uses the resource of the Pain Service, along with guidelines to help prevent the development of withdrawal, and a plan for managing any signs of abstinence which occur.
April 2004: Paediatric Anaesthesia
Laura Carney, Jennifer Kendrick, Roxane Carr
BACKGROUND: Critically ill children require sedation for comfort and to facilitate mechanical ventilation and interventions. Dexmedetomidine is a newer sedative with little safety data in pediatrics, particularly for therapy lasting longer than 48 h. OBJECTIVE: To quantify the frequency of adverse events and withdrawal syndromes associated with dexmedetomidine and to describe the use of this drug for continuous sedation in critically ill children. METHODS: In this retrospective study of patients who received dexmedetomidine for sedation in the pediatric intensive care unit, adverse events were assessed with the Naranjo scale to determine the likelihood of association with dexmedetomidine...
January 2013: Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
Joseph D Tobias
Various clinical situations may arise in the PICU that necessitate the use of sedation, analgesia, or both. Although there is a large clinical experience with midazolam in the PICU population and it remains the most commonly used benzodiazepine in this setting, lorazepam may provide an effective alternative, with a longer half-life and more predictable pharmacokinetics without the concern of active metabolites. However, there are limited reports regarding its use in the PICU population, and concerns exist regarding the potential for toxicity related to its diluent, propylene glycol...
August 2005: Pediatric Annals
Mary Saliski, Sapna R Kudchadkar
Achieving successful early mobilization for the intubated, critically ill child is dependent on optimizing sedation and analgesia. Finding the fine balance between oversedation and undersedation can be challenging. The ideal is for a child to be lucid and interactive during the daytime and demonstrate normal circadian rhythm for sleep with rest at night. Being alert during the day facilitates active participation in therapy including potential ambulation, while decreasing the risk of delirium during mechanical ventilation...
2015: Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care
Carin W M Verlaat, Ger P Heesen, Nienke J Vet, Matthijs de Hoog, Johannes G van der Hoeven, Matthijs Kox, Peter Pickkers
AIM: To study the feasibility of daily interruption of sedatives in critically ill children. METHODS: Prospective randomized controlled open-label trial, performed in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching and referring hospital. 30 children (0-12 years) receiving mechanically ventilation for >24 h were included. In the intervention group, all sedatives were stopped daily and restarted when COMFORT-behavior score ≥17. The control group received standard care...
February 2014: Paediatric Anaesthesia
2016-03-21 01:11:26
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