Mehmet Kanbay, Sezen Yilmaz, Neris Dincer, Alberto Ortiz, Alan A Sag, Adrian Covic, Laura G Sánchez-Lozada, Miguel A Lanaspa, David Z I Cherney, Richard J Johnson, Baris Afsar
CONTEXT: Although the physiology of sodium, water, and arginine vasopressin (AVP), also known as antidiuretic hormone, has long been known, accumulating data suggest that this system operates as a more complex network than previously thought. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: English-language basic science and clinical studies of AVP and osmolarity on the development of kidney and cardiovascular disease and overall outcomes. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Apart from osmoreceptors and hypovolemia, AVP secretion is modified by novel factors such as tongue acid-sensing taste receptor cells and brain median preoptic nucleus neurons...
November 1, 2019: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism