Collections Hamstring


MH residency programs
Aiden J Oakley, Jacob Jennings, Chris J Bishop
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July 2018: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Jurdan Mendiguchia, Enrique Martinez-Ruiz, Pascal Edouard, Jean-BenoƮt Morin, Francisco Martinez-Martinez, Fernando Idoate, Alberto Mendez-Villanueva
INTRODUCTION: Given the prevalence of hamstring injuries in football, a rehabilitation program that effectively promotes muscle tissue repair and functional recovery is paramount to minimize reinjury risk and optimize player performance and availability. PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the concurrent effectiveness of administering an individualized and multifactorial criteria-based algorithm (rehabilitation algorithm [RA]) on hamstring injury rehabilitation in comparison with using a general rehabilitation protocol (RP)...
July 2017: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
R Lovell, M Knox, M Weston, J C Siegler, S Brennan, P W M Marshall
We examined the effects of a 12-week program of Nordic hamstring exercises (NHE), administered before or after football training, upon eccentric hamstring strength, muscle activity, and architectural adaptations. Amateur soccer players were randomized into three groups. The control group (CON; n=11) undertook core stability exercises, whereas a periodized NHE program was delivered either before (NHEBEF ; n=10) or after (NHEAFT ; n=14) biweekly training sessions. Outcome measures included peak torque and concomitant normalized peak surface electromyography signals (sEMG) of the biceps femoris (BF) and medial hamstring (MH) muscles during knee flexor maximal eccentric contractions, performed at 30°·s-1 ...
February 2018: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Xavier Valle, Johannes L Tol, Bruce Hamilton, Gil Rodas, Peter Malliaras, Nikos Malliaropoulos, Vicenc Rizo, Marcel Moreno, Jaume Jardi
CONTEXT: Hamstring acute muscle injuries are prevalent in several sports including AFL football (Australian Football League), sprinting and soccer, and are often associated with prolonged time away from sport. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: In response to this, research into prevention and management of hamstring injury has increased, but epidemiological data shows no decline in injury and re-injury rates, suggesting that rehabilitation programs and return to play (RTP) criteria have to be improved...
December 2015: Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Peter Brukner, David Connell
Why do some hamstring and quadriceps strains take much longer to repair than others? Which injuries are more prone to recurrence? Intramuscular tendon injuries have received little attention as an element in 'muscle strain'. In thigh muscles, such as rectus femoris and biceps femoris, the attached tendon extends for a significant distance within the muscle belly. While the pathology of most muscle injures occurs at a musculotendinous junction, at first glance the athlete appears to report pain within a muscle belly...
February 2016: British Journal of Sports Medicine
T Ono, A Higashihara, J Shinohara, N Hirose, T Fukubayashi
The purpose of this study was to identify the period of the gait cycle during which the hamstring muscles were likely injured by estimating the magnitude of tensile force in each muscle during overground sprinting. We conducted three-dimensional motion analysis of 12 male athletes performing overground sprinting at their maximal speed and calculated the hamstring muscle-tendon length and joint angles of the right limb throughout a gait cycle during which the ground reaction force was measured. Electromyographic activity during sprinting was recorded for the biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles of ipsilateral limb...
February 2015: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Gustaaf Reurink, Elisabeth G Brilman, Robert-Jan de Vos, Mario Maas, Maarten H Moen, Adam Weir, Gert Jan Goudswaard, Johannes L Tol
BACKGROUND: Sports physicians are increasingly requested to perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of acute hamstring muscle injuries and to provide a prognosis of the time to return to play (RTP) on the basis of their findings. OBJECTIVES: To systematically review the literature on the prognostic value of MRI findings for time to RTP in acute hamstring muscle injuries. DATA SOURCES: The databases of PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science and Cochrane Library were searched in June 2013...
January 2015: Sports Medicine
M H Moen, G Reurink, A Weir, J L Tol, M Maas, G J Goudswaard
BACKGROUND: Previous studies on the prognostic value of clinical and MRI parameters for the time to return to play (TTRTP) in acute hamstring injuries showed only limited to moderate evidence for the various investigated parameters. Some studies had multiple methodological limitations, including retrospective designs and the use of univariate analysis only. The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic value of clinical and MRI parameters for TTRTP using multivariate analysis. METHODS: 28 clinical and MRI parameters were prospectively investigated for an association with TTRTP in 80 non-professional athletes with MRI positive hamstring injuries undergoing a standardised rehabilitation programme...
September 2014: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Robert-Jan De Vos, Gustaaf Reurink, Gert-Jan Goudswaard, Maarten H Moen, Adam Weir, Johannes L Tol
BACKGROUND: Acute hamstring re-injuries are common and hard to predict. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between clinical and imaging findings and the occurrence of hamstring re-injuries. METHODS: We obtained baseline data (clinical and MRI findings) of athletes who sustained an acute hamstring injury within 5 days of initial injury. We also collected data of standardised clinical tests within 7 days after return to play (RTP)...
September 2014: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Bruce Hamilton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2014: British Journal of Sports Medicine
John Orchard
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September 2014: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Yuliang Sun, Shutao Wei, Yunjian Zhong, Weijie Fu, Li Li, Yu Liu
PURPOSE: The potential mechanisms of hamstring strain injuries in athletes are not well understood. The study, therefore, was aimed at understanding hamstring mechanics by studying loading conditions during maximum-effort overground sprinting. METHODS: Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction force data were collected from eight elite male sprinters sprinting at their maximum effort. Maximal isometric torques of the hip and knee were also collected. Data from the sprinting gait cycle were analyzed via an intersegmental dynamics approach, and the different joint torque components were calculated...
February 2015: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Peter Brukner, Andrew Nealon, Christopher Morgan, Darren Burgess, Andrew Dunn
Recurrent hamstring injuries are a major problem in sports such as football. The aim of this paper was to use a clinical example to describe a treatment strategy for the management of recurrent hamstring injuries and examine the evidence for each intervention. A professional footballer sustained five hamstring injuries in a relatively short period of time. The injury was managed successfully with a seven-point programme-biomechanical assessment and correction, neurodynamics, core stability, eccentric strengthening, an overload running programme, injection therapies and stretching/relaxation...
June 2014: British Journal of Sports Medicine
T Kumazaki, Y Ehara, T Sakai
The hamstring muscles were analyzed anatomically and physiologically to clarify the specific reasons for the incidence of muscle strain of the hamstrings. For the anatomical study, hamstring muscles of 13 embalmed cadavers were dissected. For the physiological study, the knee flexor torque and surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were measured during isometric contraction of hamstring muscles in 10 healthy adults. The biceps femoris muscle long head (BF-L) and semimembranosus muscle (SM) had hemi-pennate architecture and their fiber length per total muscle length (FL/TML) was smaller than that of semtendinosus muscle (ST) and biceps femoris muscle short head (BF-S) with other architecture...
December 2012: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Kristian Thorborg
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June 2012: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Bruce Hamilton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2012: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Jurdan Mendiguchia, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Matt Brughelli
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 2012: British Journal of Sports Medicine
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