Paula A Furseth, Barbara Taylor, Son Chae Kim
Simulation-based interprofessional education is beneficial, but it is not clear whether the nature of the simulation has any impact. A pretest and posttest study was conducted among nursing (n = 131) and paramedic (n = 58) students participating in mass casualty incident (MCI) simulations versus handoff communication simulations. Nursing students had better attitudes toward interprofessional education, as well as higher levels of satisfaction and self-confidence, after handoff communication simulations in comparison with MCI simulations...
March 2016: Nurse Educator
Pat Croskerry
In the area of patient safety, recent attention has focused on diagnostic error. The reduction of diagnostic error is an important goal because of its associated morbidity and potential preventability. A critical subset of diagnostic errors arises through cognitive errors, especially those associated with failures in perception, failed heuristics, and biases; collectively, these have been referred to as cognitive dispositions to respond (CDRs). Historically, models of decision-making have given insufficient attention to the contribution of such biases, and there has been a prevailing pessimism against improving cognitive performance through debiasing techniques...
August 2003: Academic Medicine
Jonathan Sherbino, Vineet M Arora, Elaine Van Melle, Robert Rogers, Jason R Frank, Eric S Holmboe
BACKGROUND: Social media are increasingly used in health professions education. How can innovations and research that incorporate social media applications be adjudicated as scholarship? OBJECTIVE: To define the criteria for social media-based scholarship in health professions education. METHOD: In 2014 the International Conference on Residency Education hosted a consensus conference of health professions educators with expertise in social media...
October 2015: Postgraduate Medical Journal
James Buchan, Christine Duffield, Amy Jordan
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2015: Journal of Nursing Management
Marti Butlar
Although atypical, there are urgent situations in which education must be developed and deployed quickly to a large number of people. This article describes a strategy to guide rapid deployment of staff education based on lessons learned by educators who were recently faced with such a situation.
September 2015: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Meghan B LaVelle, Beth Elchek LaVelle, Kenneth L Port, Jacob T Sherlock
This article covers the basics of Copyright Law as applicable to the use of protected resources and the sharing of information by nurse professionals. It explores frequently cited justifications for copyright violation, including the doctrine of Fair Use and the Technology and Copyright Harmonization Act. It also discusses why those justifications may or may not apply to the nurse professional who teaches in a clinical setting or at a conference.(See CE Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, https://links.lww...
September 2015: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Gillian Strudwick
The benefits of healthcare technologies can only be attained if nurses accept and intend to fully use them. One of the most common models utilized to understand user acceptance of technology is the Technology Acceptance Model. This model and modified versions of it have only recently been applied in the healthcare literature among nurse participants. An integrative literature review was conducted on this topic. Ovid/MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Scholar, and CINAHL were searched yielding a total of 982 references...
May 2015: Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN
Elizabeth Ann Scruth, Dale M Pugh, Carmen L Adams, Anne M Foss-Durant
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2015: Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS
Helen Sisson
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To review the available evidence on aspirating when administering intramuscular injections and suggest recommendations for practice. BACKGROUND: The process of aspiration has been ingrained in the intramuscular injection procedure, and whilst many policies no longer recommend this practice, it often continues to be taught and practiced. The result is a variation in this procedure not always consistent with an evidence-based approach. DESIGN: A systematic literature review...
September 2015: Journal of Clinical Nursing
Sylvia M Belizario
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2015: Nursing
Dario M Torre, Barbara J Daley, James L Sebastian, D Michael Elnicki
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2006: American Journal of Medicine
Denise K Gormley
The integration of educational technology into nursing continuing education in the form of online learning involves a shift in thinking from traditional views of nursing education. With advances in technology and increased comfort with the Internet, more professional development staff are offering online continuing education courses. Considerations for professional development staff include transition of roles for the educator and the learner, structure of course offerings, and whether to use synchronous or asynchronous formatting...
2013: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Philip Darbyshire, David R Thompson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
October 2014: Journal of Advanced Nursing
Glynda J Doyle, Bernie Garrett, Leanne M Currie
OBJECTIVES: To identify studies reporting mobile device integration into undergraduate and graduate nursing curricula. To explore the potential use of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model as a framework to guide implementation of mobile devices into nursing curricula. DESIGN: Literature review and thematic categorization. DATA SOURCES: Literature published up until June 2013 was searched using EBSCO, PubMed, and Google Scholar. REVIEW METHOD: The literature was reviewed for research articles pertaining to mobile device use in nursing education...
May 2014: Nurse Education Today
Lorene Payne
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2012: Journal for Nurses in Staff Development: JNSD
Brenda Elliott, Cynthia A Dillon
Scheduling traditional continuing education and required classes for homecare staff can be challenging, resulting in low attendance and compliance rates. Innovative, flexible, and accessible educational opportunities are needed to meet clinicians' educational needs. This article describes the affect of implementing online learning at one homecare agency. Implementation of online learning has resulted in an improvement in staff satisfaction, increase in compliance, and cost savings.
November 2012: Journal for Nurses in Staff Development: JNSD
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