Ashley Barlow, Brooke Barlow, Nancy Tang, Bhavik M Shah, Amber E King
TOPIC: This article reviews the management of intravenous fluids and the evaluation of volume status in critically ill adults. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Intravenous fluid administration is one of the most common interventions in the intensive care unit. Critically ill patients have dynamic fluid requirements, making the management of fluid therapy challenging. New literature suggests that balanced salt solutions may be preferred in some patient populations. PURPOSE OF PAPER: The bedside critical care nurse must understand the properties of various intravenous fluids and their corresponding impact on human physiology...
December 1, 2020: Critical Care Nurse
Alexis Harerimana, Ntombifikile Gloria Mtshali
Mobile devices are increasingly part of daily life, with the benefits of using the technology in nursing education widely recognized. This study explored the use of mobile devices among undergraduate nursing students for academic purposes in South Africa, using a quantitative survey. The majority of participants owned smartphones (87.6%), followed by laptops (76%) and tablets (47.1%). Mobile devices were used to perform academic tasks and communicate and collaborate with peers and teachers, as well as search and access electronic resources...
May 1, 2021: Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN
Jed T Wolpaw, Justin Harvey
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2020: Clinical Teacher
Barbara Zittel, Edtrina Moss, Ann O’Sullivan, Terry Siek
This article explores the theme that, as professionals, all registered nurses (RNs) are accountable for their own educational development and execution of their individual professional role. To assure that RNs perform to the full scope of their practice and impact the highest possible patient outcomes, a standardized educational preparation of RNs at the BSN level is essential, either through initial education or educational progression. The authors support the need for BSN preparation with a brief review of research to identify seminal works that demonstrate the added value, both economically and in terms of patient outcomes, that results when higher percentages of BSN-prepared RNs provide care...
September 30, 2016: Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
Amy J Barton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 1, 2019: Journal of Nursing Education
Tori Brown
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 1, 2018: Journal of Nursing Education
Robin K Pettit
Video podcasts (vodcasts) are gaining popularity in medical education, but they can be a passive learning modality if students do not actively engage with the content. Of the two categories of vodcast software, screen-capture (mp4 output) and Flash™ (HTML5/Flash output), screen-capture has greater potential to result in passive learning because students cannot physically interact with the content. However, screen-capture offers several advantages for the producer (often faculty) and the consumer (students)...
2018: Advances in Medical Education and Practice
Shelly Smith, Holly Buchanan
There is a noticeable gap in the literature regarding the programmatic integration of social media into health sciences education. Networked participatory scholarship theory supports the use of social media in higher education; associated benefits include promoting student engagement and real-time dissemination. This article describes the integration of social media use in a graduate online doctoral nursing program; specifically, blogging, microblogging, and ePortfolio integration are presented. The purpose is to improve students' utilization of social media as a professional tool...
November 2019: Nursing Education Perspectives
Simon R Stones, Joanna Smith
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2018: Evidence-based Nursing
Hyejung Lee, Haeyoung Min, Su-Mi Oh, Kaka Shim
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify and systematically review the literature on the use of mobile technology in nursing education. The research findings could evidence the effectiveness of mobile technology in undergraduate nursing students' learning outcomes. METHODS: Computerized searches were conducted using the Ovid-MEDLINE, Ovid-EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and CINAHL databases for relevant primary studies and limited to those between 2000 and February 2018...
April 2018: Healthcare Informatics Research
Duncan Cole, Emma Rengasamy, Shafqat Batchelor, Charles Pope, Stephen Riley, Anne Marie Cunningham
BACKGROUND: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less didactic lecture-based teaching. This creates new challenges and opportunities in how students are best supported with information technology. We explored how university-supported and external social media could support collaborative small group working on our new undergraduate medical curriculum. METHODS: We made available a curation platform ( and a wiki within our virtual learning environment as part of year 1 Case-Based Learning, and did not discourage the use of other tools such as Facebook...
November 10, 2017: BMC Medical Education
Howard Ryland, Elizabeth Akers, Emily Gowland, Natasha Malik
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2017: Journal of Interprofessional Care
Hana Alsobayel
BACKGROUND: Social media can be used in health care settings to enhance professional networking and education; patient communication, care, and education; public health programs; organizational promotion; and research. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the use of social media networks for the purpose of professional development among health care professionals in Saudi Arabia using a purpose-designed Web-based survey. METHODS: A cross-sectional web-based survey was undertaken...
September 12, 2016: JMIR Medical Education
Diane M Billings
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is implementing a new program to improve health in the United States. This program, Building a Culture of Health, includes a four-point action plan, recognizes the complex social factors that contribute to a healthy society, and notes that implementing this plan will require health care organizations and professionals to think differently about the work they do and where they do it. Nurse educators are a vital force in ensuring health for all. This column discusses the RWJF program and the implications for nurse educators...
May 1, 2016: Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
Vasiliki Betihavas, Heather Bridgman, Rachel Kornhaber, Merylin Cross
BACKGROUND: The flipped classroom has generated interest in higher education providing a student-centred approach to learning. This has the potential to engage nursing students in ways that address the needs of today's students and the complexity of contemporary healthcare. Calls for educational reform, particularly in healthcare programs such as nursing, highlight the need for students to problem-solve, reason and apply theory into practice. The drivers towards student-based learning have manifested in team, problem and case-based learning models...
March 2016: Nurse Education Today
Calvin Moorley, Teresa Chinn
AIM: A discussion on how nurse leaders are using social media and developing digital leadership in online communities. BACKGROUND: Social media is relatively new and how it is used by nurse leaders and nurses in a digital space is under explored. DESIGN: Discussion paper. DATA SOURCES: Searches used CINAHL, the Royal College of Nursing webpages, Wordpress (for blogs) and Twitter from 2000-2015. Search terms used were Nursing leadership + Nursing social media...
March 2016: Journal of Advanced Nursing
Janet Richardson, Jane Grose, Pam Nelmes, Gema Parra, Manuel Linares
AIM: To explore the concept of sustainability in nursing using social media as a vehicle for discussion on the topic. BACKGROUND: There is a need for an increased awareness among nurses of the issues that are crucial for the healthcare sector to prepare for climate change and contribute to sustainable development. However, topics about sustainability and climate change are not a requirement of nursing curricula in Europe; social media provides an opportunity to raise issues and promote discussion...
May 2016: Journal of Advanced Nursing
JoAnn D Long, Paula Gannaway, Cindy Ford, Rita Doumit, Nadine Zeeni, Ola Sukkarieh-Haraty, Aline Milane, Beverly Byers, LaNell Harrison, Daniel Hatch, Justin Brown, Sharlan Proper, Patricia White, Huaxin Song
BACKGROUND: As the world becomes increasingly digital, advances in technology have changed how students access evidence-based information. Research suggests that students overestimate their ability to locate quality online research and lack the skills needed to evaluate the scientific literature. Clinical nurses report relying on personal experience to answer clinical questions rather than searching evidence-based sources. To address the problem, a web-based, evidence-based research (EBR) tool that is usable from a computer, smartphone, or iPad was developed and tested...
February 2016: Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing
Jesper Hessius, Jakob Johansson
PURPOSE: Web-based questionnaires are currently the standard method for course evaluations. The high rate of smartphone adoption in Sweden makes possible a range of new uses, including course evaluation. This study examines the potential advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone app as a complement to web-based course evaluationsystems. METHODS: An iPhone app for course evaluations was developed and interfaced to an existing web-based tool. Evaluations submitted using the app were compared with those submitted using the web between August 2012 and June 2013, at the Faculty of Medicine at Uppsala University, Sweden...
2015: Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions
Simon Cooper
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2016: Evidence-based Nursing
2015-10-27 07:03:16
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