Robert L Page, Cindy L O'Bryant, Davy Cheng, Tristan J Dow, Bonnie Ky, C Michael Stein, Anne P Spencer, Robin J Trupp, JoAnn Lindenfeld
Heart failure is a common, costly, and debilitating syndrome that is associated with a highly complex drug regimen, a large number of comorbidities, and a large and often disparate number of healthcare providers. All of these factors conspire to increase the risk of heart failure exacerbation by direct myocardial toxicity, drug-drug interactions, or both. This scientific statement is designed to serve as a comprehensive and accessible source of drugs that may cause or exacerbate heart failure to assist healthcare providers in improving the quality of care for these patients...
August 9, 2016: Circulation
Parag Goyal, Zaid I Almarzooq, Evelyn M Horn, Maria G Karas, Irina Sobol, Rajesh V Swaminathan, Dmitriy N Feldman, Robert M Minutello, Harsimran S Singh, Geoffrey W Bergman, S Chiu Wong, Luke K Kim
BACKGROUND: Hospitalizations for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) are increasing. There are limited data examining national trends in patients hospitalized with HFpEF. METHODS: Using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, we examined 5,046,879 hospitalizations with a diagnosis of acute heart failure in 2003-2012, stratifying hospitalizations by HFpEF and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Patient and hospital characteristics, in-hospital mortality, and length of stay were examined...
June 2016: American Journal of Medicine
Clyde W Yancy, Mariell Jessup, Biykem Bozkurt, Javed Butler, Donald E Casey, Monica M Colvin, Mark H Drazner, Gerasimos Filippatos, Gregg C Fonarow, Michael M Givertz, Steven M Hollenberg, JoAnn Lindenfeld, Frederick A Masoudi, Patrick E McBride, Pamela N Peterson, Lynne Warner Stevenson, Cheryl Westlake
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 27, 2016: Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Shaojun Wang, Xiufen Qu, Yuanyuan Qu, Yanwei Yu, Wei Feng
Congestive heart failure (CHF) as a common comorbidity in patients with lung cancer, especially those of old age. The tumor combined with heart failure makes the reasons of dyspnea more complicated and effective drugs to improve symptoms are urgently needed. Recombinant human B-type natriuretic peptide (rhBNP) is a member of the natriuretic peptide family that exerts cardiovascular effects. The major goal of this study was to study the effect of rhBNP on patients with decompensated heart failure coexisted with lung cancer...
March 2014: Die Pharmazie
Mihai Gheorghiade, Peter S Pang
Heart failure resulting in hospitalization represents a significant and growing health care burden. Heterogeneity characterizes this group in terms of mode of presentation, pathophysiology, and prognosis. The vast majority of patients symptomatically improve during hospitalization; however, their early post-discharge rehospitalization and mortality rates continue to be high. Worsening signs and symptoms, neurohormonal, and renal abnormalities occurring soon after discharge may contribute to these high post-discharge event rates...
February 17, 2009: Journal of the American College of Cardiology
R De Vecchis, C Esposito, C Ariano, S Cantatrione
BACKGROUND: In advanced congestive heart failure (CHF), intravenous (i.v.) inotropic agents, i.v. diuretics, ultrafiltration, and hemodialysis have been shown to not yield better clinical outcomes. In this scenario, the simultaneous administration of hypertonic saline solution (HSS) and furosemide may offer a more effective therapeutic option with a good safety profile. METHODS: Therefore, a meta-analysis was performed to compare combined therapy, consisting of i...
May 2015: Herz
Michel Komajda, Carolyn S P Lam
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is now recognized as a major and growing public health problem worldwide. Yet significant uncertainties still surround its pathophysiology and treatment, leaving clinicians in a dilemma regarding its optimal management. Whether HFpEF and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) are two distinct entities or two ends of a common spectrum remains a matter of debate. In particular, the lack of benefit observed with renin-angiotensin system blockers has raised questions regarding our understanding of the pathophysiology of HFpEF...
April 2014: European Heart Journal
Stefan Neubauer, Charles Redwood
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 20, 2014: New England Journal of Medicine
Minhua Zang, Tuo Zhang, Jialiang Mao, Shengheng Zhou, Ben He
BACKGROUND: Frequent premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) are associated with a reversible form of LV dysfunction. OBJECTIVE: We performed a meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of catheter ablation on improvement of LV function in patients with frequent PVCs. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE for cohort studies of patients who underwent catheter ablation of frequent PVCs. LVEF both before and postablation was reported. The endpoints were changes from baseline in both LVEF and LV end-diastolic diameter (LVEDd) postablation...
May 2014: Heart
Maya Guglin, Olga Kristof-Kuteyeva, Irina Novotorova, Pravin Pratap
Aldosterone antagonists represented by nonselective spironolactone and mineralocorticoid-selective eplerenone are approved for treatment of symptomatic heart failure with reduced systolic function. Their cardioprotective, antifibrotic, and antiarrhythmic effects have been proven in animal experiments, and their effects on morbidity and mortality have been demonstrated in randomized clinical trials. Yet, they remain the most underutilized of all classes of medications for heart failure, primarily because of fear of hyperkalemia...
June 2011: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Amir Qaseem, Linda L Humphrey, Nick Fitterman, Melissa Starkey, Paul Shekelle
DESCRIPTION: The American College of Physicians (ACP) developed this guideline to present the evidence and provide clinical recommendations on the treatment of anemia and iron deficiency in adult patients with heart disease. METHODS: This guideline is based on published literature in the English language on anemia and iron deficiency from 1947 to July 2012 that was identified using MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. Literature was reassessed in April 2013, and additional studies were included...
December 3, 2013: Annals of Internal Medicine
Adrian F Hernandez, Xiaojuan Mi, Bradley G Hammill, Stephen C Hammill, Paul A Heidenreich, Frederick A Masoudi, Laura G Qualls, Eric D Peterson, Gregg C Fonarow, Lesley H Curtis
CONTEXT: Aldosterone antagonist therapy for heart failure and reduced ejection fraction has been highly efficacious in randomized trials. However, questions remain regarding the effectiveness and safety of the therapy in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To examine the clinical effectiveness of newly initiated aldosterone antagonist therapy among older patients hospitalized with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Using clinical registry data linked to Medicare claims from 2005 through 2010, we examined outcomes of eligible patients hospitalized with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction...
November 28, 2012: JAMA
G Michael Felker, Kerry L Lee, David A Bull, Margaret M Redfield, Lynne W Stevenson, Steven R Goldsmith, Martin M LeWinter, Anita Deswal, Jean L Rouleau, Elizabeth O Ofili, Kevin J Anstrom, Adrian F Hernandez, Steven E McNulty, Eric J Velazquez, Abdallah G Kfoury, Horng H Chen, Michael M Givertz, Marc J Semigran, Bradley A Bart, Alice M Mascette, Eugene Braunwald, Christopher M O'Connor
BACKGROUND: Loop diuretics are an essential component of therapy for patients with acute decompensated heart failure, but there are few prospective data to guide their use. METHODS: In a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial, we assigned 308 patients with acute decompensated heart failure to receive furosemide administered intravenously by means of either a bolus every 12 hours or continuous infusion and at either a low dose (equivalent to the patient's previous oral dose) or a high dose (2...
March 3, 2011: New England Journal of Medicine
Bradley A Bart, Steven R Goldsmith, Kerry L Lee, Michael M Givertz, Christopher M O'Connor, David A Bull, Margaret M Redfield, Anita Deswal, Jean L Rouleau, Martin M LeWinter, Elizabeth O Ofili, Lynne W Stevenson, Marc J Semigran, G Michael Felker, Horng H Chen, Adrian F Hernandez, Kevin J Anstrom, Steven E McNulty, Eric J Velazquez, Jenny C Ibarra, Alice M Mascette, Eugene Braunwald
BACKGROUND: Ultrafiltration is an alternative strategy to diuretic therapy for the treatment of patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Little is known about the efficacy and safety of ultrafiltration in patients with acute decompensated heart failure complicated by persistent congestion and worsened renal function. METHODS: We randomly assigned a total of 188 patients with acute decompensated heart failure, worsened renal function, and persistent congestion to a strategy of stepped pharmacologic therapy (94 patients) or ultrafiltration (94 patients)...
December 13, 2012: New England Journal of Medicine
Gust H Bardy, Kerry L Lee, Daniel B Mark, Jeanne E Poole, Douglas L Packer, Robin Boineau, Michael Domanski, Charles Troutman, Jill Anderson, George Johnson, Steven E McNulty, Nancy Clapp-Channing, Linda D Davidson-Ray, Elizabeth S Fraulo, Daniel P Fishbein, Richard M Luceri, John H Ip
BACKGROUND: Sudden death from cardiac causes remains a leading cause of death among patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Treatment with amiodarone or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) has been proposed to improve the prognosis in such patients. METHODS: We randomly assigned 2521 patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II or III CHF and a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 35 percent or less to conventional therapy for CHF plus placebo (847 patients), conventional therapy plus amiodarone (845 patients), or conventional therapy plus a conservatively programmed, shock-only, single-lead ICD (829 patients)...
January 20, 2005: New England Journal of Medicine
C Stellbrink, O A Breithardt, A Franke, S Sack, P Bakker, A Auricchio, T Pochet, R Salo, A Kramer, J Spinelli
OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the impact of six months of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on echocardiographic variables of left ventricular (LV) function. BACKGROUND: Cardiac resynchronization therapy has recently been introduced as a new therapeutic modality in patients with advanced heart failure (HF) and conduction abnormalities. However, most studies have only investigated the early hemodynamic effects of CRT. METHODS: Twenty-five patients (12 women and 13 men; 59...
December 2001: Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Ausra Kavoliuniene, Audrone Vaitiekiene, Giedre Cesnaite
In the setting of long-standing severe chronic heart failure, other organ systems are also involved. The liver is one of the organs that are very sensitive to haemodynamic changes. Differential diagnosis of the liver injury is extremely important in the cardiologist's clinical practice and calls for cardiologist's and hepatologist's collaboration because there are many other diseases that can affect the liver and mimic haemodynamic injury. In this article, liver injuries depending on cardiocirculatory dysfunction such as hypoxic hepatitis and congestive hepatopathy are analysed...
July 1, 2013: International Journal of Cardiology
Douglas S Lee, Justin A Ezekowitz
Acute heart failure is a leading reason for emergency department visits, hospital admissions, and readmissions. Despite the high rate of hospitalization for heart failure and the high resource burden attributable to acute heart failure, limitations of clinical decisions have been demonstrated. Risk stratification methods might provide guidance to clinicians who care for patients with acute heart failure syndromes, and might improve decision-making in emergent care when decisions must be made quickly and accurately...
March 2014: Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Licette C Y Liu, Adriaan A Voors, Mattia A E Valente, Peter van der Meer
Evidence-based treatment has succeeded in improving clinical outcomes in heart failure. Nevertheless, morbidity, mortality, and the economic burden associated with the syndrome remain unsatisfactorily high. Most landmark heart failure studies included broad study populations, and thus current recommendations dictate standardized, universal therapy. While most patients included in recent trials benefit from this background treatment, exceeding this already significant gain has proven to be a challenge. The early identification of responders and nonresponders to treatment could result in improved therapeutic effectiveness, while reduction of unnecessary exposure may limit harmful and unpleasant side effects...
March 2014: Canadian Journal of Cardiology
E Braunwald, C A Chidsey, P E Pool, E H Sonnenblick, J Ross, D T Mason, J F Spann, J W Covell
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 1966: Annals of Internal Medicine
2014-03-13 02:47:18
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