Collections Choosing wisely

Choosing wisely

Questioning Medicine upcoming podcast #FOAMed #MedQuestioning
Jay Siwek
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July 15, 2012: American Family Physician
John I Allen
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December 4, 2012: Annals of Internal Medicine
Christopher Moriates, Krishan Soni, Andrew Lai, Sumant Ranji
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education mandates that training physicians "incorporate considerations of cost awareness" into practice. However, medical education has traditionally avoided addressing costs, and most residency programs currently lack curricula to fulfill this requirement. With the recent widespread emphasis on unsustainable costs, inefficiencies, and waste in healthcare, the need to appropriately train physicians in this domain is increasingly apparent. In this article, we describe the implementation of a resident-led, case-based cost awareness curriculum for medicine residents at the University of California, San Francisco, sharing our keys to success and defining guiding principles...
February 25, 2013: JAMA Internal Medicine
Jinoos Yazdany, Gabriela Schmajuk, Mark Robbins, David Daikh, Ashley Beall, Edward Yelin, Jennifer Barton, Adam Carlson, Mary Margaretten, Joann Zell, Lianne S Gensler, Victoria Kelly, Kenneth Saag, Charles King
OBJECTIVE: We sought to develop a list of 5 tests, treatments, or services commonly used in rheumatology practice whose necessity or value should be questioned and discussed by physicians and patients. METHODS: We used a multistage process combining consensus methodology and literature reviews to arrive at the American College of Rheumatology's (ACR) Top 5 list. Rheumatologists from diverse practice settings generated items using the Delphi method. Items with high content agreement and perceived high prevalence advanced to a survey of ACR members, who comprise >90% of the US rheumatology workforce...
March 2013: Arthritis Care & Research
Douglas E Wood, John D Mitchell, DeLaine S Schmitz, Sean C Grondin, John S Ikonomidis, Faisal G Bakaeen, Robert E Merritt, Dan M Meyer, Susan D Moffatt-Bruce, T Brett Reece, Michael A Smith
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March 2013: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Maureen McKinney
The Choosing Wisely campaign, with participating medical societies, spotlighted a list of 135 potentially unnecessary procedures. Critics are questioning whether patients and physicians are seeing the guidelines and if they are leading to any changes. But Dr. Glen Stream, AAFP board chairman, says his group's participation was the right choice. "It's a proactive stance, driven by the medical profession, and it really does make conversations with patients easier."
February 25, 2013: Modern Healthcare
James F Burke, Lesli E Skolarus, Brian C Callaghan, Kevin A Kerber
Identifying the tests/procedures ordered by neurologists that contribute most to health care expenditures is a critical step in the process of creating the neurology top 5 list for the Choosing Wisely initiative. Using data from the 2007-2010 National Ambulatory Care Medical Survey, we found that $13.3 billion (95% confidence interval = $10.1-$16.5 billion) was spent on tests ordered at neurologist visits. The tests/procedures with the highest expenditures were magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; 51% of total expenditures; $7...
May 2013: Annals of Neurology
David C Currow, Amy P Abernethy
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June 2013: Journal of Palliative Medicine
Aanand D Naik, Marilyn Hinojosa-Lindsey, Jennifer Arney, Hashem B El-Serag, Jason Hou
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July 2013: Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Matt Brown
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May 2013: Annals of Family Medicine
David W Parke, Anne L Coleman, William L Rich, Flora Lum
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March 2013: Ophthalmology
Jay Siwek, Kenneth W Lin
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August 1, 2013: American Family Physician
Ricardo A Quinonez, Matthew D Garber, Alan R Schroeder, Brian K Alverson, Wendy Nickel, Jenna Goldstein, Jeffrey S Bennett, Bryan R Fine, Timothy H Hartzog, Heather S McLean, Vineeta Mittal, Rita M Pappas, Jack M Percelay, Shannon C Phillips, Mark Shen, Shawn L Ralston
BACKGROUND: Despite estimates that waste constitutes up to 20% of healthcare expenditures in the United States, overuse of tests and therapies is significantly under-recognized in medicine, particularly in pediatrics. The American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation developed the Choosing Wisely campaign, which challenged medical societies to develop a list of 5 things physicians and patients should question. The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) joined this effort in the spring of 2012...
September 2013: Journal of Hospital Medicine: An Official Publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine
Jacqueline Vance
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2013: Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
David S Pisetsky
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2013: Arthritis Research & Therapy
E Ray Dorsey
Choosing Wisely is an initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation in partnership with Consumer Reports and other consumer-oriented organizations to encourage "physicians, patients and other health care stakeholders to think and talk about medical tests and procedures that may be unnecessary, and in some instances cause harm."(1) The initiative's broader goal is to ensure that the right care is delivered at the right time and in the right place. As part of the initiative, 9 professional societies in 2012 each released "Five things physicians and patients should question...
September 10, 2013: Neurology
Peter A Grant, Francis O Walker, John C Kincaid
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2014: Annals of Neurology
Lisa K Hicks, Harriet Bering, Kenneth R Carson, Judith Kleinerman, Vishal Kukreti, Alice Ma, Brigitta U Mueller, Sarah H O'Brien, Marcelo Pasquini, Ravindra Sarode, Lawrence Solberg, Adam E Haynes, Mark A Crowther
Choosing Wisely® is a medical stewardship and quality improvement initiative led by the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation in collaboration with leading medical societies in the United States. The ASH is an active participant in the Choosing Wisely® project. Using an iterative process and an evidence-based method, ASH has identified 5 tests and treatments that in some circumstances are not well supported by evidence and which in certain cases involve a risk of adverse events and financial costs with low likelihood of benefit...
2013: Hematology—the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology
Phillip Tuso
In 2012, the Kaiser Permanente Area Medical Directors of Quality decided to sponsor analytic activities to improve shared decision making for patients with chronic kidney disease. The objective was to move shared decision making for renal replacement therapy or maximal conservative management upstream rather than waiting until the patient presented to the emergency room requiring acute dialysis. Nephrologists have multiple opportunities to discuss treatment options with patients throughout the course of their disease...
2013: Permanente Journal
R Stephens, Eddy Fan
Refractory cardiac shock in the cardiac surgical intensive care unit confers significant morbidity and mortality. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has become a common intervention for refractory cardiogenic shock when other therapies have failed. However, it is difficult to predict who will benefit from this costly, resource-intensive, but potentially life-saving technology. Here, we discuss the utility of a novel biomarker, serum butylcholinesterase, in determining survival in patients supported with ECMO following cardiac surgery...
February 20, 2014: Critical Care: the Official Journal of the Critical Care Forum
2014-04-27 03:37:08
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