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The limitations of antipsychotic medication on schizophrenia relapse and adjustment and the contributions of psychosocial treatment.

Whether psychosocial treatment adds substantially to the prophylactic efficacy of maintenance antipsychotic monotherapy requires a more accurate estimate of relapse risks than those contained in recent reviews. A reappraisal of the literature suggests a 1-year, post-hospital, relapse rate of 40% on medication, and a substantially higher rate among patients who live in stressful environments, rather than earlier estimates of 16%. Relapse rates of 65% at 1 year and over 80% by 2 years among drug discontinued or placebo substituted outpatients are also more accurate than the 53% relapse rate previously estimated. When psychosocial treatment is added to maintenance chemotherapy, there is compelling evidence that relapse rates are reduced by as much as 50% compared with relapse associated with medication and standard care. However, psychosocial treatment without medication is as ineffective as placebo. The additive effects appear greater for recent, theoretically based psychosocial approaches than earlier atheoretical, altruistic forms of caring. However, effects vary according to the patient's clinical state, the nature and timing of the intervention, and the presence of environmental stressors. Regarding adjustment, very little definitive information regarding psychosocial treatment effects has existed until recently. A novel, disorder-relevant approach has now been shown to have broad and significant effects on social adjustment compared with medication and support. However, the magnitude of effects is not fully realized until a third year of treatment: a distinct challenge in the era of managed care. Atypical antipsychotics and more definitive psychosocial strategies that target social cognitive deficits hold promise for enhanced outcomes in the next generation of studies.

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