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Case Reports
Journal Article
Management of lead poisoning from ingested fishing sinkers.
OBJECTIVE: To describe what is to our knowledge the first reported case of lead poisoning from ingested fishing sinkers in an 8-year-old boy for whom whole bowel irrigation and colonoscopy were required.
LITERATURE REVIEW: All relevant literature on plumbism from other swallowed foreign bodies, including curtain weights, bullets, shot, and other unusual sources, is reviewed and discussed.
CONCLUSIONS: Lead screening is advocated in any child presenting with a history of pica or foreign-body ingestion, especially presentations involving abdominal pain, weight loss, and emesis. Conservative management of retained foreign bodies containing lead is not recommended with persistently high lead levels. Medical and surgical intervention should be considered.
LITERATURE REVIEW: All relevant literature on plumbism from other swallowed foreign bodies, including curtain weights, bullets, shot, and other unusual sources, is reviewed and discussed.
CONCLUSIONS: Lead screening is advocated in any child presenting with a history of pica or foreign-body ingestion, especially presentations involving abdominal pain, weight loss, and emesis. Conservative management of retained foreign bodies containing lead is not recommended with persistently high lead levels. Medical and surgical intervention should be considered.
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