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The Norwegian Polio Study 1994: a nation-wide survey of problems in long-standing poliomyelitis.
Spinal Cord 1998 April
'The Norwegian Polio Study 1994' was performed to make a nation-wide survey of the medical and social situation, and of the needs of anterior poliomyelitis (polio). A questionnaire, consisting of 133 questions with sub-questions, was sent to a total of 2392 polio victims, most of them registered in 'The National Society of Polio Victims' in Norway. 1449 persons (61%) answered. Sixty-six per cent were between 45 and 64 years of age, 25% were above 64 years and 9% were under 45 years. When specifying new health problems, 85% stated that they had experienced increased weakness in muscles affected by polio, while 58% had experienced increased weakness in previous non-affected muscles. Other health problems related to polio were fatigue during exercise (80%), general fatigue (57%), joint pain (58%), muscular pain (58%) and cold intolerance (62%). The participants indicated an increasing need of aids, but 80% were still independent of help from others and 57% were still employed, fully or part time. Only 17% were satisfied with the public health services for polio survivors, while 67% of those who had undergone comprehensive examination at some central hospital were satisfied. This study indicates an obvious need of building up expertise in multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment of post polio problems in countries where acute polio has been eliminated.
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