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Historical Article
Journal Article
Medical methods for termination of pregnancy. Report of a WHO Scientific Group.
Recent estimates indicate that as many as 53 million pregnancies are terminated by induced abortion each year. One-third of these abortions are performed in unsafe conditions, resulting in some 50,000-100,000 deaths each year, and many more women have complications which may have long-term consequences for their health. This report of a WHO Scientific Group reviews medical methods for the termination of first- and second-trimester pregnancy, including studies on the agents that induce abortion, their mode of action, and their efficacy compared with surgical methods. It examines the factors that cause women to seek abortion services, as well as those that affect complications, their prevention and the acceptability of different methods. The report makes a number of recommendations on the service environment required to employ medical methods and for further research in the field of medical termination of pregnancy.
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