Clinical Trial
Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Low dose aspirin for the treatment of fetal growth restriction: a randomized controlled trial.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that maternal administration of 100mg aspirin each day will improve birth-weight and other measures of neonatal size when given as a treatment to pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and umbilical-placental insufficiency. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study design was employed; 51 pregnant women were enrolled. The entry criteria were a fetal abdominal circumference < 10th per centile together with an umbilical artery Doppler systolic/diastolic ratio > 95th per centile between 28 and 36 weeks' gestation. Compliance was assessed by serial measurement of maternal serum thromboxane B2 levels. The mean gestational age at enrolment was 32 weeks and at delivery was 36 weeks. There were no differences between the 2 groups in gestational age at birth; birth-weight or birth-weight ratio; circumferences of the head, chest or abdomen; skin fold thicknesses; or neonatal morbidity. Low dose aspirin therapy did not alter Doppler systolic/diastolic ratios. After 14 days therapy, mean thromboxane B2 levels fell more than 80% from baseline values; 10.5% of women did not demonstrate biochemical confirmation of aspirin ingestion, despite verbal confirmation of compliance. We conclude that low dose aspirin therapy is not of benefit in the treatment of pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and umbilical-placental insufficiency between 28 and 36 weeks' gestation.

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