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MRI of total anomalous pulmonary venous connections.

OBJECTIVE: A prospective MR study was undertaken in 13 patients with total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) to determine the value of MR in its detection.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Echocardiography was performed in all cases and cardiac angiography was performed in eight patients before MRI.

RESULTS: Magnetic resonance detected TAPVC in four cases without prior echocardiographic and angiographic diagnosis. In seven surgically proven cases, the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative MR, echocardiography, and cardiac angiography was 100 (7 of 7), 57 (4 of 7), and 25% (1 of 4), respectively. In the remaining cases including three cases for postoperative evaluation, MR findings correlated well with those of echocardiography or angiography. The combination of axial and coronal MRI visualized 96% of the individual anomalous pulmonary veins and 100% of the common pulmonary veins. Stenosis of a common pulmonary vein (three cases) or the superior vena cava (one case) was identified on MR in all cases.

CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance is an effective modality in depicting TAPVCs.

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