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Anxiety, depression, somatization and alcohol abuse. Prevalence rates in a general Belgian community sample.

The results of a psycho-epidemiologic field study are presented. Lifetime and point prevalence rates of eight DSM-III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnostic categories (generalized anxiety, phobia, panic, obsession-compulsion, major depression/dysthymia, mania, the somatization syndrome and alcohol abuse and dependence) are estimated on the basis of the DISSI (Diagnostic Interview Schedule, Screening Interview). The subjects, 25 to 45 year old adults (N = 240) were randomly selected from local registers. The point prevalence rates are 16.6% for anxiety disorders, followed by affective disorders (12.8%) and by the somatization syndrome (8.9%) and alcohol abuse and dependence (8.5%). Psychosocial correlates of the diagnostic categories are examined and the findings are compared to other field studies using comparable diagnostic tools.

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