Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Evaluation of ultrasonographic diagnostic criteria for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease 1.

Lancet 1994 April 2
Although ultrasound is commonly used for screening subjects at risk of polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1), there has been no evaluation of ultrasonographic diagnostic criteria. We used DNA linkage among subjects from 128 sibships within 18 PKD1 families as the basis for an assessment of ultrasound sensitivity. Positive and negative predictive values were calculated to allow assessment of different diagnostic cut-off points in previously undiagnosed cases. Currently used criteria (bilateral cysts with at least two in one kidney) provided good sensitivity (88.5% at age 15-29 years and 100% at 30 years and above) but performance could be improved by less stringent criteria in subjects aged 15-29 years and more stringent criteria in older family members, in whom simple renal cysts are frequent. The presence of at least two renal cysts (unilateral or bilateral) in individuals at risk and younger than 30 years may be regarded as sufficient to establish a diagnosis; among those aged 30-59 years, the presence of at least two cysts in each kidney may be required, and among those aged 60 years and above, at least four cysts in each kidney should be required.

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