Journal Article
Practice Guideline
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Guidelines for good practice in central venous catheterization. Hospital Infection Society and the Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians.

Central venous catheters (CVC) are commonly used in clinical practice and are associated with several complications, including early and late onset infection. In these guidelines, an outline of good practice for the use of CVC and the prevention of associated infections is presented. Definitions of both localized and systemic catheter-related sepsis are given. Subsequent good practice in relation to the insertion of CVC, including patient preparation, planned duration of catheterization, catheter materials and design of the CVC, are presented. Skin fixation and insertion site care, including the use of dressings and administration sets, as well as an approach to flow obstructions, are also reviewed. The clinical and microbiological diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis and its treatment is next presented. Finally, guidelines for CVC removal and replacement are given. The guidelines are designed to facilitate the development of good practice in the use of CVC, allowing appropriate protocols to be formulated and to reduce infection risk.

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