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Case Reports
Journal Article
Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis. A distinctive type of neutrophilic dermatosis associated with myelogenous leukemia and chemotherapy.
Archives of Dermatology 1982 April
On two occasions, erythematous edematous plaques developed on the left side of the neck and the left shoulder of a man undergoing induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia. The lesions resolved after several days in both instances. Histologically, numerous neutrophils surrounded and focally infiltrated the eccrine secretory coils, in which epithelial necrosis was observed. The "fixed" nature of the plaques and temporal relationship to chemotherapy suggest that the lesions represent an unusual reaction to chemotherapeutic agents. It is possible that this unique clinicopathologic picture represents a neutrophilic dermatosis associated with leukemia.
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