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Congenital coxa vara. A retrospective review.
Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics 1984 January
Forty-two cases of coxa vara were retrospectively reviewed. All 42 cases were classified based on their history and roentgenographic appearance. Twenty-two cases of true congenital coxa vara were identified and are the primary focus of this review. In this study we have introduced the Hilgenreiner epiphyseal (HE) angle as measured on standard AP roentgenograms of the hip. Retrospectively, this angle was measured to aid in deciding candidacy for surgery, as well as a means of determining the amount of surgical correction necessary to prevent a recurrence of the deformity. The indication for surgery should be an HE angle of greater than 60 degrees. HE angles of less than 60 degrees and greater than 45 degrees represent a "gray zone" and should be observed. HE angles of less than 45 degrees will generally correct spontaneously without surgery.
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