Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Comparison of tissue reactions produced by Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae vaccines made with six different adjuvants in swine.

Tissue damage caused by six different adjuvants incorporated in a Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae vaccine was compared in swine. The adjuvants compared were four mineral oil compounds, one peanut oil compound and aluminum hydroxide. Inoculations were given in the neck, quadriceps and semitendinosus muscles. The mineral oil adjuvants were highly irritant and caused extensive areas of granulomatous inflammation that were present at eight weeks after injection. The aluminum hydroxide produced smaller lesions that also persisted for eight weeks. Only the peanut oil adjuvant did not produce significant lesions at the site of injection. At two and four weeks, but not at eight weeks postinoculation, lesions in the quadriceps and semitendinosus muscles were approximately twice as extensive as those in the muscles of the neck.

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