Journal Article
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
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Development of acuity and stereopsis in infants with esotropia.

Ophthalmology 1985 May
Visual acuity and stereopsis of 19 esotropic infants and toddlers, 36 normal infants and 7 children with refractive anomalies were measured during the first three years of life using newly developed preferential looking procedures. Children with infantile esotropia corrected with prisms equal in size to the deviation show some degree of binocularity up to at least 21/2 years, as measured by a polaroid bar stereogram procedure with a 1800 seconds of arc disparity. A few children, who did not receive any therapeutic intervention, failed this test during the first and second year. However, all older subjects (over 6 years of age) with a history of infantile esotropia failed the test.

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