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Hemodynamic evaluation of stenotic cardiac valves: II. Modification of the simplified valve formula for mitral and aortic valve area calculation.
Since the introduction by Gorlin and Gorlin of the hydraulic formulae for calculating valve area, it has become the best parameter for quantitating valve stenosis. Recently Hakki et al proposed a simplified formula for valve area calculation that does not take into account either heart rate (HR) or left ventricular filling or ejection time. The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity of Hakki's formulae under different physiological conditions and to propose an easy correction to improve its accuracy. Our study suggests: (1) that an easy correction for heart rate in certain cases, dividing by 1.35 when HR less than 75 beats per min in mitral stenosis and when HR greater than 90 beats per min in aortic stenosis, significantly improves the accuracy and validity of Hakki's formulae (p less than 0.02 and p less than 0.05); (2) the instantaneous valve gradients (peak gradient for aortic stenosis and average of instantaneous early, middle, and late diastolic gradients for mitral stenosis) are as valid as mean planimetric gradients for valve area calculation. Thus the simplified formulae proposed in this study allow mitral and aortic valve area calculations by means of instantaneous gradients, cardiac output, and heart rate.
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