Journal Article
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Mixed Cardiogenic Shock: A Proposal for Standardized Classification, a Hemodynamic Definition, and Framework for Management.

Circulation 2024 October 29
The classification of cardiogenic shock (CS) has evolved from a singular cold-and wet-hemodynamic profile. Data from registries and clinical trials have contributed to a broader recognition that although all patients with CS have insufficient cardiac output leading to end organ hypoperfusion, there is considerable variability in CS acuity, underlying etiologies, volume status, and systemic vascular resistance. Mixed CS can be broadly categorized as CS with at least 1 additional shock state . Mixed CS states are now the second leading cause of shock in contemporary coronary intensive care units, but there is little high-quality evidence to guide routine care, and there are no standardized classification frameworks or well-established hemodynamic definitions. This primer summarizes the current epidemiology and proposes a classification framework and invasive hemodynamic parameters to guide categorization that could be applied to help better phenotype patients captured in registries and trials, as well as guide management of mixed CS states.

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