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Sepsis-induced coagulopathy (SIC) in the management of sepsis.

Annals of Intensive Care 2024 September 20
The mortality rate of sepsis remains high and further increases when complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Consequently, early detection and appropriate management of DIC will be helpful for the management of sepsis. Although overt DIC criteria are often used for diagnosing definitive DIC, it was not designed to detect early-phase DIC. The criteria and scoring system for sepsis-induced coagulopathy (SIC) were developed and introduced in 2017 to detect early-stage DIC, and they were subsequently adopted by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis in 2019. The objective of detecting SIC was not to miss the patients at high risk of developing overt DIC at an earlier time. Although anticoagulant therapies are potential options for the treatment of sepsis-associated DIC, their effectiveness has not been established, and further research is warranted. For that purpose, an international collaborative platform is required for future clinical trials, and SIC criteria have been suggested for such studies. Calculating the SIC score is straightforward and suitable for use in clinical settings. This review aims to introduce SIC criteria and its scoring system for better management of sepsis-associated DIC. We also intended to update the current knowledge regarding this novel diagnostic criterion.

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