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Ferroptosis Inhibition: A Key Opportunity for the Treatment of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Liver Transplantation.

Transplantation 2024 September 19
The outcome after liver transplantation has improved in recent years, which can be attributed to superior storage and transportation conditions of the organs, as well as better peri- and postoperative management and advancements in surgical techniques. Nevertheless, there is an increasing discrepancy between the need for organs and their availability. Consequently, the mortality rate on the waiting list is high and continues to rise. One way of counteracting this trend is to increase the use of "expanded criteria donors." This means that more and more donors will be included, especially those who are older and having additional comorbidities (eg, steatosis). A major complication of any transplantation is the occurrence of ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI), which often leads to liver dysfunction and failure. However, there have been various promising approaches to minimize IRI in recent years, but an effective and clinically applicable method to achieve a better outcome for patients after liver transplantation is still missing. Thereby, the so-called marginal organs are predominantly affected by IRI; thus, it is crucial to develop suitable and effective treatment options for patients. Recently, regulated cell death mechanisms, particularly ferroptosis, have been implicated to play a major role in IRI, including the liver. Therefore, inhibiting this kind of cell death modality presents a promising therapeutic approach for the management of this yet untreatable condition. Thus, this review provides an overview of the role of ferroptosis in liver IRI and transplantation and discusses possible therapeutic solutions based on ferroptosis inhibition to restrain IRI in marginal organs (especially steatosis and donation after circulatory death organs).

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