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The Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation: Organization, History, and Collaborative Database.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the history, organization, goals, and data management procedures of the Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation (FABR).

SETTING: Postacute brain injury rehabilitation following acute inpatient care.

KEY POINTS: FABR was incorporated in 2019 with a primary mission to advance brain rehabilitation through scientific and strategic analysis of industry-wide data. Contributing FABR member organizations include Bancroft NeuroRehab, Collage Rehabilitation Partners, On With Life, Pate NeuroRehabilitation, and Shepherd Center. These organizations contribute demographic, admission, discharge, and follow-up data on persons served in 5 types of intensive posthospital brain injury rehabilitation programs (neurobehavioral residential, neurorehabilitation residential, home and community neurorehabilitation, day treatment, and outpatient) and 3 types of supported living programs (neurobehavioral residential, residential, and community-based) to a collaborative database managed by Inventive Software Solutions. Inventive Software Solutions provides FABR researchers with a dataset that is de-identified both for participant and organizational identifying information.

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