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SzCORE: Seizure Community Open-Source Research Evaluation framework for the validation of electroencephalography-based automated seizure detection algorithms.

Epilepsia 2024 September 18
The need for high-quality automated seizure detection algorithms based on electroencephalography (EEG) becomes ever more pressing with the increasing use of ambulatory and long-term EEG monitoring. Heterogeneity in validation methods of these algorithms influences the reported results and makes comprehensive evaluation and comparison challenging. This heterogeneity concerns in particular the choice of datasets, evaluation methodologies, and performance metrics. In this paper, we propose a unified framework designed to establish standardization in the validation of EEG-based seizure detection algorithms. Based on existing guidelines and recommendations, the framework introduces a set of recommendations and standards related to datasets, file formats, EEG data input content, seizure annotation input and output, cross-validation strategies, and performance metrics. We also propose the EEG 10-20 seizure detection benchmark, a machine-learning benchmark based on public datasets converted to a standardized format. This benchmark defines the machine-learning task as well as reporting metrics. We illustrate the use of the benchmark by evaluating a set of existing seizure detection algorithms. The SzCORE (Seizure Community Open-Source Research Evaluation) framework and benchmark are made publicly available along with an open-source software library to facilitate research use, while enabling rigorous evaluation of the clinical significance of the algorithms, fostering a collective effort to more optimally detect seizures to improve the lives of people with epilepsy.

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