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Enhancement of gold-curcumin nanoparticle mediated radiation response for improved therapy in cervical cancer: a computational approach and predictive pathway analysis.

Discov Nano 2024 September 18
Radiotherapy is prevalently applied for highly effective cancer therapy while the low specificity of radiation is deleterious to the nearby healthy cells. High-Z-based nanomaterials offer excellent radio-enhancement properties while natural products provide radioprotection. Modulation of the radiotherapeutic index via applying nanomaterials is feasible for effective treatment however, the scenario changes when simultaneous protection of non-cancerous cells is required. Here, we report the modulatory radiotherapeutic effect of curcumin conjugated gold nanoparticles in a single nanoformulation to pave the long-awaited hope of a single combination-based, cell-selective radio enhancer, and protectant for cancer radiotherapy. We have validated the effective radiation dose along with the combination of the radio-nano-modulator by a reverse experimentation statistical model. The concept was supported by different sets of experiments, like quantification of ROS generation, cell cycle monitoring, mitochondrial membrane potential measurement, etc. along with gene expression study, and predictive modeling of molecular pathways of the killing mechanism. In conclusion, the nanoconjugate showed a promise to become a candidate for the pH-dependent cell-specific radio-modulator.

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