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Differential Diagnosis of Suspected Multiple Sclerosis in Pediatric and Late-Onset Populations: A Review.
JAMA Neurology 2024 September 16
IMPORTANCE: While the typical onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs in early adulthood, 2% to 10% of cases initially present prior to age 18 years, and approximately 5% after age 50 years. Guidance on approaches to differential diagnosis in suspected MS specific to these 2 age groups is needed.
OBSERVATIONS: There are unique biological factors in children younger than 18 years and in adults older than age 50 years compared to typical adult-onset MS. These biological differences, particularly immunological and hormonal, may influence the clinical presentation of MS, resilience to neuronal injury, and differential diagnosis. While mimics of MS at the typical age at onset have been described, a comprehensive approach focused on the younger and older ends of the age spectrum has not been previously published.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: An international committee of MS experts in pediatric and adult MS was formed to provide consensus guidance on diagnostic approaches and key clinical and paraclinical red flags for non-MS diagnosis in children and older adults.
OBSERVATIONS: There are unique biological factors in children younger than 18 years and in adults older than age 50 years compared to typical adult-onset MS. These biological differences, particularly immunological and hormonal, may influence the clinical presentation of MS, resilience to neuronal injury, and differential diagnosis. While mimics of MS at the typical age at onset have been described, a comprehensive approach focused on the younger and older ends of the age spectrum has not been previously published.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: An international committee of MS experts in pediatric and adult MS was formed to provide consensus guidance on diagnostic approaches and key clinical and paraclinical red flags for non-MS diagnosis in children and older adults.
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