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Pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of an alternative dosing regimen of sasanlimab in participants with advanced NSCLC and other malignancies.

BACKGROUND: Sasanlimab (PF-06801591), a humanized immunoglobulin G4 monoclonal antibody, binds to programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), preventing ligand (PD-L1) interaction.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate pharmacokinetics (PK), safety, tolerability, and efficacy of two subcutaneous sasanlimab dosing regimens.

DESIGN: An open-label study consisting of phases Ib and II. Phase Ib: non-randomized, dose escalation, and expansion study in Asian participants with advanced malignancies.

PHASE II: conducted globally in participants with non-small-cell lung cancer with PD-L1 positive or PD-L1 status unknown tumors; participants were randomized 1:2 to receive subcutaneous sasanlimab 300 mg once every 4 weeks (300 mg-Q4W) or 600 mg once every 6 weeks (600 mg-Q6W).

METHODS: Primary endpoint in phase Ib: dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) occurring in first treatment cycle; in phase II: C trough and AUC.

RESULTS: A total of 155 participants (phase Ib, n  = 34; phase II, n  = 121) received sasanlimab. Phase Ib: no DLT reported. Phase II: ratio of adjusted geometric mean for AUCtau was 231.2 (90% CI, 190.1-281.2) and C trough was 111.5 (90% CI, 86.3-144.0) following 600 mg-Q6W (test) versus 300 mg-Q4W (reference). Phase Ib: grade 3 treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) occurred in 1/4 (25%) and 3/12 (25%) participants treated in 300 mg-Q4W dose escalation and expansion cohorts, respectively. Phase II: grade 3 TRAEs occurred in 3/41 (7.3%) and 3/80 (3.8%) participants treated with 300 mg-Q4W and 600 mg-Q6W, respectively; no grade 4/5 TRAEs. Phase II: confirmed objective response was observed in 11/41 (26.8% (95% CI, 14.2-42.9)) and 12/80 (15.0% (95% CI, 8.0-24.7)) participants treated with 300 mg-Q4W and 600 mg-Q6W, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Phase Ib regimens were considered safe with no DLTs reported. In phase II, 600 mg-Q6W regimen criteria were met for AUCtau and C trough metrics to support PK-based extrapolation of efficacy of alternative regimen. Regimens were well tolerated, showing anti-tumor activity in participants with advanced solid tumors. Administration of sasanlimab at a dose of 600 mg-Q6W subcutaneously may serve as a convenient alternative to 300 mg-Q4W administration.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04181788 (; 2019-003818-14 (EudraCT).

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