Journal Article
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Genomic and molecular alterations associated with primary resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors.

The clinical response to immune checkpoint inhibitors may vary by tumor type and many tumors present with either primary or acquired resistance to immunotherapy. Improved understanding of the molecular and immunologic mechanisms underlying immunotherapy resistance is essential for developing biomarkers and for guiding the optimum approach to selecting treatment regimens and sequencing. This is increasingly important for tumors with primary resistance as effective biomarkers in this setting can guide clinicians about appropriate treatment regimen selection in the first-line setting. Multiple potential biological mechanisms of primary resistance have been proposed but most are yet to be validated in prospective clinical cohorts. Individual biomarkers have poor specificity and sensitivity, and the development of validated and integrated predictive models may guide which patient will benefit from monotherapy versus combination therapy. In this review, we discuss the emerging data identifying the molecular mechanisms of primary resistance to immunotherapy and explore potential therapeutic strategies to target these.

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