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Progress on nonculture based diagnostic tests for invasive mould infection.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review describes the current status of diagnosing invasive mould disease and Pneumocystis pneumonia using nonconventional diagnostics methods.

RECENT FINDINGS: There has been significant development in the range of nonculture mycological tests. Lateral flow tests (LFTs) for diagnosing aspergillosis complement galactomannan ELISA testing, and LFTs for other fungal diseases are in development. Rapid and low through-put B-D-Glucan assays increase access to testing and there has been significant progress in the standardization/development of molecular tests. Despite this, no single perfect test exists and combining tests (e.g., antigen and molecular testing) is likely required for the optimal diagnosis of most fungal diseases.

SUMMARY: Based on established clinical performance few mycological tests can be used alone for optimal diagnosis of fungal disease (FD) and combining tests, including classical approaches is the preferred route for confirming and excluding disease. Next-generation sequencing will likely play an increasing role in how we diagnose disease, but optimization, standardization and validation of the entire molecular process is needed and we must consider how host biomarkers can stratify risk. Given the burden of FD in low- and medium-income countries, improved access to novel but more so existing diagnostic testing is critical along with simplification of testing processes.

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