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pH-sensing GPR68 inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation through Rap1A.

Phenotypic transformation of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) from a contractile state to a synthetic, proliferative state is a hallmark of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In CVD, diseased tissue often becomes acidic from altered cellular metabolism secondary to compromised blood flow, yet the contribution of local acid/base imbalance to the disease process has been historically overlooked. In this study, we examined the regulatory impact of the pH-sensing G protein-coupled receptor GPR68 on vascular smooth muscle (VSM) proliferation in vivo and in vitro in wild-type (WT) and GPR68 knockout (KO) male and female mice. Arterial injury reduced GPR68 expression in WT vessels and exaggerated medial wall remodeling in GPR68 KO vessels. In vitro, KO VSM cells showed increased cell cycle progression and proliferation compared to WT VSM cells, and GPR68-inducing acidic exposure reduced proliferation in WT cells. mRNA and protein expression analyses revealed increased Rap1A in KO cells compared to WT cells, and RNA silencing of Rap1A reduced KO VSM cell proliferation. In sum, these findings support a growth-inhibitory capacity of pH-sensing GPR68 and suggest a mechanistic role for the small GTPase Rap1A in GPR68-mediated VSM growth control. These results shed light on GPR68 and its effector Rap1A as potential targets to combat pathologic phenotypic switching and proliferation in VSM.

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