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Chronic shoulder pain due to spinal accessory nerve palsies present opportunities for improved care integration.

Pain Management 2024 September 13
Aim: Chronic shoulder pain due to iatrogenic spinal accessory nerve (SAN) injury continues to be under-recognized, resulting in delayed time-to-diagnosis and poorer outcomes. Solutions are needed to improve the management of this condition, which can be challenging as care needs to be coordinated across pain management, neurophysiology, rehabilitation and reconstructive surgery. Cases: We present a series of six patients with shoulder pain refractory to conservative pain treatments to highlight how SAN injuries continued to be missed and treatment delayed, even at advanced care centers. The time to diagnosis of SAN palsy took an average of 21 months and treatment was inconsistent for all patients. Discussion: None of the six cases had initial suspicion of SAN palsy and only one patient received targeted SAN injury care. SAN treatment should be started as early as possible so that patients can be referred for prompt surgical evaluation if they fail conservative management. Integrated care pathways may be a solution for formalizing multidisciplinary team involvement and improving SAN injury outcomes. Conclusion: Systemic processes, such as integrated care pathways, are needed to optimize early recognition and targeted treatment of SAN injury and may be beneficial for other underdiagnosed and undertreated neuropathic pain conditions.

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