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Real-World Use and Outcomes of Apixaban for Early Post-Surgical Fontan Thromboprophylaxis.

Pediatric Cardiology 2024 September 12
Patients with Fontan physiology are at heightened risk of thrombosis related to passive venous return leading to increased stasis, as well as acquired thrombophilia from congestive hepatopathy. Variability exists for post-Fontan thromboprophylaxis, with no consensus on best practices. Direct oral anticoagulants offer advantages over conventional anticoagulants including fewer drug-drug interactions, no dietary restrictions, and less frequent monitoring. Herein, we report our single center experience utilizing apixaban thromboprophylaxis in children post-Fontan procedure. Single center, retrospective, cohort study evaluating apixaban thromboprophylaxis dosing strategies, efficacy, and safety in children admitted post-Fontan procedure at Boston Children's Hospital. Between September 2019 and December 2023, 62 children, median age 3.2 years (2.1-10.5 years), weight 13.9 kg (9.5-56.3 kg) received apixaban at a median of 93 days post-Fontan (7-1421 days). Over a total of 93 days of apixaban exposure, there was 1 treatment-related thrombosis event (0.07 per 1000 person-days on apixaban) and 3 combined treatment-related clinically relevant non-major (CRNM) and major bleeding events (0.22 per 1000 person-days on apixaban). Apixaban for post-Fontan thromboprophylaxis was feasible with low rates of bleeding and thrombosis.

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