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The First Report of Sphaerirostris picae Infection in the Oriental Magpie ( Pica serica ) in Beijing, China.
Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 2024 September 12
Background: Sphaerirostris picae is a parasitic species known for its ability to infect and transmit between hosts in the gastrointestinal tracts of wild avian species. However, there is limited information on its presence and impact on urban avian populations, particularly in China. Materials and Methods: In this study, morphological observations were conducted to detect the presence of Sphaerirostris sp. within the intestinal tract of the Oriental Magpie ( Pica serica ) collected in Beijing, China. Further confirmation of the parasite's identity was achieved through phylogenetic analysis using COX1 gene sequencing to compare with previously documented Sphaerirostris picae isolates. Results: The morphological and molecular analyses confirmed the presence of Sphaerirostris picae in the Oriental Magpie. Phylogenetic analysis indicated a close relationship with known Sphaerirostris picae isolates. This represents the first reported case of Sphaerirostris picae infection in magpies from Beijing, China. Conclusion: The findings highlight the potential health hazards posed by Sphaerirostris picae to urban avian populations and public health. The study suggests that additional research and surveillance efforts are necessary to better understand the risks associated with this parasite and to develop effective mitigation strategies.
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