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Journal Article
Anesthesia Management in Emergency and Trauma Surgeries: A Narrative Review.
Curēus 2024 August
Emergency and trauma surgeries present unique challenges for anesthesiologists due to the acuity of patient conditions and the need for rapid intervention. This review aims to provide insights into the optimal management of anesthesia in emergency and trauma surgery settings. We searched the National Institute of Health PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, and Web of Science databases between 2014 and 2024 to synthesize current evidence and best practices for anesthesia management during emergency and trauma surgeries. This literature review examines the evolving role of anesthesia in emergency and trauma surgeries, focusing on key considerations such as patient management, hemodynamic stability, and the choice of anesthetic agents. The review discusses recent advancements in anesthesia techniques, including the use of regional anesthesia and multimodal analgesia, to optimize patient outcomes while minimizing complications. Additionally, it discusses the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration among anesthesiologists, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals in delivering timely and effective care to critically injured patients.
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