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Modeling of Dissolving Microneedle-Based Transdermal Drug Delivery: Effects of Dynamics of Polymers in Solution.

Molecular Pharmaceutics 2024 September 11
Dissolving microneedle (DMN)-assisted transdermal drug delivery (TDD) has received attention from the scientific community in recent years due to its ability to control the rate of drug delivery through its design, the choice of polymers, and its composition. The dissolution of the polymer depends strongly on the polymer-solvent interaction and polymer physics. Here, we developed a mathematical model based on the physicochemical parameters of DMNs and polymer physics to determine the drug release profiles. An annular gap width is defined when the MN is inserted in the skin, accumulating interstitial fluid (ISF) from the surrounding skin and acting as a boundary layer between the skin and the MN. Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) is used as a model dissolving polymer, and ceftriaxone is used as a representative drug. The model agrees well with the literature data for ex vivo permeation studies, along with the percent height reduction of the MN. Based on the suggested mathematical model, when loading 0.39 mg of ceftriaxone, the prediction indicates that approximately 93% of the drug will be cleared from the bloodstream within 24 h. The proposed modeling strategy can be utilized to optimize drug transport behavior using DMNs.

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