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Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: A Review.

JAMA Surgery 2024 September 11
IMPORTANCE: Necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTIs) are severe life- and limb-threatening infections with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, there has been minimal improvement in outcomes over time.

OBSERVATIONS: NSTIs are characterized by their heterogeneity in microbiology, risk factors, and anatomical involvement. They often present with nonspecific symptoms, leading to a high rate of delayed diagnosis. Laboratory values and imaging help increase suspicion for NSTI, though ultimately, the diagnosis is clinical. Surgical exploration is warranted when there is high suspicion for NSTI, even if the diagnosis is uncertain. Thus, it is acceptable to have a certain rate of negative exploration. Immediate empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics, further tailored based on tissue culture results, are essential and should be continued at least until surgical debridement is complete and the patient shows signs of clinical improvement. Additional research is needed to determine optimal antibiotic duration. Early surgical debridement is crucial for improved outcomes and should be performed as soon as possible, ideally within 6 hours of presentation. Subsequent debridements should be performed every 12 to 24 hours until the patient is showing signs of clinical improvement and there is no additional necrotic tissue within the wound. There are insufficient data to support the routine use of adjunct treatments such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and intravenous immunoglobulin. However, clinicians should be aware of multiple ongoing efforts to develop more robust diagnostic and treatment strategies.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Given the poor outcomes associated with NSTIs, a review of clinically relevant evidence and guidelines is warranted. This review discusses diagnostic and treatment approaches to NSTI while highlighting future directions and promising developments in NSTI management.

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