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Applications of robot-assisted UV disinfection in dentistry.

Maintaining a microbial-free environment in healthcare facilities is more widely recognized as an essential component of therapies to minimize transmission of viruses associated with healthcare sector. The global spread of COVID-19 and recent outbreaks have presented humanity with previously unheard-of challenges. The development of autonomous disinfection robots seems to be necessary given the urgent need for constant sterilization in the face of a labor shortage. Due to their automated and perceived cost advantages by eliminating cleaning staff, these robots are being advertised more and more as an easy solution to immediately disinfect rooms and operating areas. The use of these services lowers the danger of infection, and expense of traditional cleaning and, most significantly, builds trust and security in medical facilities. Currently, routine (manual) cleaning is not replaced by disinfection robots; rather, they may support it. Additional hospital and device design alterations are necessary to address the overshadowing (visibility) issue allowing Ultraviolet disinfectant (UV-D) robots move freely in the medical environment. More technical developments and clinical studies in a variety of hospitals are needed to overcome the current challenges and find ways to integrate this unique technology into hospitals now and in the future. Thus, we present a review that includes detailing all elements required for it to function, as well as both its advantages and disadvantages. To the best of our knowledge, very limited studies have collected an in- depth data on the sterilization effect using a disinfection robot in the field of dentistry. We believe that this data will work as a foundation in more advanced uses at diverse sites that require disinfection and will highlight unsolved challenges and potential research avenues for UV robot operational concerns in dental hospitals. The goal of this work is to offer a comprehensive manual for UV-D robots covering pertinent information on traditional Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system along with advancements in UV-D robots and thereby focusing on in-depth application in medical and dental facilities.

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