Case Reports
Journal Article
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Syphilis presenting as optic neuritis and subdural haematoma with complicating neuro Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.

BMJ Case Reports 2024 September 10
A man in his 50s presented with a 3-week history of painless blurry vision. The ocular examination showed decreased visual acuity and 3+ bilateral papilloedema. A CT of the brain without contrast revealed a 5 mm left subdural haematoma. Anti-treponemal IgG antibodies were positive, and a reflex rapid plasma regain (RPR) was >1:64. HIV serology was negative. Ophthalmology and infectious diseases agreed that the presentation was consistent with ocular syphilis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed an elevated CSF protein of 52 mg/dL and CSF Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) of 1:1. Penicillin was started. The patient developed a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction soon after. He had a fever, rash and worsening headaches due to the enlargement of subdural haematoma for which he underwent a burr hole drainage. Vision improved after completing penicillin therapy but did not recover fully. The CSF VDRL became non-reactive and serum RPR titre decreased to 1:8 3 months later.

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