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Trainee-initiated dictations of endocrine surgeries: Implications for education and reimbursement.

INTRODUCTION: Our university-based surgery department recently transitioned to attending-only authorship of operative reports. We performed a mixed-methods investigation to determine if trainee-initiated endocrine surgical reports were associated with under-coding of specific procedures.

METHODS: Endocrine operations performed from July 2020 to June 2022 were identified from billing data. Pre- and post-policy RVU distributions and note modification history were reviewed to determine how often trainees captured billable differentiators over attending note modification.

RESULTS: 714 operations and 1138 billed procedures were identified. Parathyroidectomy alone showed greater mean RVUs with attending-only reports attributable to attending practice change in coding for intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring. Trainees were more likely to miss coding modifier 22 but RVU losses were prevented by attending note modification.

CONCLUSION: Trainee-initiated operative reports were not associated with RVU losses for endocrine operations compared to attending-only reports. Trainee dictation can be improved by emphasizing education on procedural billing differences and surgical reasoning.

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