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The impact of citrus pulp inclusion on milk performance of dairy cows: A meta-analysis.

Food Chem (Oxf) 2024 December 30
Considering sustainability and circular economy, citrus pulp could become a common dairy feedstuff. Yet, there is no clear indication of the amount of citrus pulp that can be fed without compromising milk performance or that could deliver benefits. In our meta-analysis, we investigated the impact of varying citrus pulp inclusion levels, i.e., no (0 %), low (>0-10 %), medium (>10-20 %), and high (>20 %), on milk performance variables. Replacing cereal grains with citrus pulp increased pectins and sugars while decreasing starch. At the low inclusion level, citrus pulp increased milk yield without affecting feed intake. At higher inclusion levels, citrus pulp reduced feed intake and milk yield but with higher fat contents, the milk energy content was similar to no inclusion. Concluding, citrus pulp is a good energy source with lipogenic properties in dairy cows. We encourage research to fill in the existing gap of knowledge at the rumen and systemic levels.

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