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Clinician perspectives on the perioperative roles and responsibilities of anesthesia, surgery, and primary care.
American Journal of Surgery 2024 September 1
BACKGROUND: Although high-risk older patients benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to perioperative care, the specific roles and responsibilities of the clinicians involved have yet to be adequately characterized.
METHODS: Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with four anesthesia preoperative clinic providers, seven surgeons, and nine primary care providers in northern New England.
RESULTS: The analysis revealed both distinct and overlapping roles and responsibilities. Anesthesia providers were described as a "safety net" and surgeons as "captain of the ship", in charge of getting "all the ducks in a row" to avoid surgery delays and cancellations. Primary care providers saw themselves as the "quarterback", ensuring care continuity and consideration of patient psychosocial factors.
CONCLUSIONS: While all have a shared responsibility for facilitating patient-centered decision-making and a safe perioperative course, each discipline has different areas of focus and expertise. Role clarification can help optimize the distribution of responsibilities and enhance perioperative communication and collaboration.
METHODS: Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with four anesthesia preoperative clinic providers, seven surgeons, and nine primary care providers in northern New England.
RESULTS: The analysis revealed both distinct and overlapping roles and responsibilities. Anesthesia providers were described as a "safety net" and surgeons as "captain of the ship", in charge of getting "all the ducks in a row" to avoid surgery delays and cancellations. Primary care providers saw themselves as the "quarterback", ensuring care continuity and consideration of patient psychosocial factors.
CONCLUSIONS: While all have a shared responsibility for facilitating patient-centered decision-making and a safe perioperative course, each discipline has different areas of focus and expertise. Role clarification can help optimize the distribution of responsibilities and enhance perioperative communication and collaboration.
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