Journal Article
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Endothelial colony-forming cells in the spotlight: insights into the pathophysiology of von Willebrand disease and rare bleeding disorders.

Endothelial cells deliver a vital contribution to the maintenance of hemostasis by constituting an anatomical as well as functional barrier between the blood and the rest of the body. Apart from the physical barrier function, endothelial cells maintain the hemostatic equilibrium by their pro- and anticoagulant functions. An important part of their procoagulant contribution is the production of von Willebrand factor (VWF), which is a carrier protein for coagulation factor VIII and facilitates the formation of a platelet plug. Thus, VWF is indispensable for both primary and secondary hemostasis, which is exemplified by the bleeding disorder von Willebrand disease that results from qualitative or quantitative deficiencies in VWF. A cellular model that was found to accurately reflect the endothelium and its secretory organelles are endothelial colony-forming cells, which can be readily isolated from peripheral blood and constitute a robust ex vivo model to investigate the donor's endothelial cell function. This review summarizes some of the valuable insights on biology of VWF and pathogenic mechanisms of von Willebrand disease that have been made possible using studies with endothelial colony-forming cells derived from patients with bleeding disorders.

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