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From AIDS to COVID-19: the interplay between dual pandemics in social perceptions of disease.

This paper is one of the few to examine how people who have lived through both COVID-19 and AIDS understand these pandemics in relation to each other. Data were collected in Uganda, and we found that the AIDS epidemic proved to be a key reference point for people in explaining why COVID-19 was perceived as so worrisome. In addition, AIDS-related stigma was a problematically common frame when discussing responsibility for HIV versus SARS-CoV-2 infection, and there was evidence of some forgetfulness regarding the toll AIDS had taken on the country. More positively, the legacy of AIDS made many people more attentive to social inequalities tied to health risks, and this at times prompted a more nuanced understanding of the socially varied effects of COVID-19. Overall, we argue that how individuals respond to a novel epidemic is shaped not only by their understandings of current threats but also by enduring perceptions of epidemics and pandemics that may have preceded it.

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