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COVID-19 immunization status in children compared to their parents: a retrospective review at an upstate NY medicine/pediatrics practice.

BMC Pediatrics 2024 September 6
BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between parent and child COVID-19 immunization series completion using vaccine records.

METHODS: A cross-sectional chart review was performed on parent and child patients at the Albany Medical Center Internal Medicine and Pediatrics practice. Patient and parent demographic data, COVID-19 immunization status, and health care worker status was collected. Patient data was further separated into 2 cohorts to account for vaccine eligibility among child age groups, with 5-11 years and 6 months-4 years cohorts. Chi square or Fisher's exact test was used where appropriate.

RESULTS: Across both cohorts, 371 child patients were identified and cross-matched with corresponding parents. Neither cohort offered evidence linking child immunization series completion with the child's race, ethnicity, or county of residence. However, rates of series completion were higher for children with private insurance versus public options in both the 5-11 years and 6 months-4 years cohorts (both p < 0.001). Children were more likely to be immunized against COVID-19 if their parents were fully immunized against COVID-19 (both p < 0.05). Children aged 6 months-4 years were more likely to be immunized against COVID-19 if their parent was a health care worker (p = 0.038).

CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a significance between child insurance status, as well as between parental vaccination status and child vaccination status. Only children under 5 years were more likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19 if their parent was a health care worker.

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